WoW! What if we get sea battles, they are kind of it at the moment, ArcheAge and Darkfall has them already. That could be mega attraction for players to join the game too. I bet this has something to do with ships and sea.
If done right, sea battles would be cool. It seems like it would require a lot of development, though, and to be honest I kind of doubt we'll get it.WoW! What if we get sea battles, they are kind of it at the moment, ArcheAge and Darkfall has them already. That could be mega attraction for players to join the game too. I bet this has something to do with ships and sea.
I would expect that the Kamal from Akavir probably didn't know enough about the people of Tamriel to realize that the Nords were resistant (although not immune) to cold. If they did know, then they probably thought that they were powerful enough to defeat them anyway. Heck, if the Argonians hadn't unexpectedly come to the aid of the Nords and Dunmer, they might have been right.dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »
That would be awesome, especially if it is a good system. Woah! What if Ships become the guild housing or player housing of the game? That would be really cool. I think I just blew my own mind there. Ship battles could also be another interesting form of pve or pvp, depending how they go about it, and even the impetus for a counterinvasion of Akavir??? Those Kamal have it coming to them (That's what the loremaster said the last invasion was anyway, and the reason for the Ebonheart Pact). You have to wonder though, why would the Kamal (ice devils of Akavir) be stupid enough to attack a race of men who are near immune to the cold.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »sounds good to me...keep the content coming as long as it makes sense
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »where is Vvardenfell?
are we never going to see Vvardenfell DLC? balmora? morrowind?
Yeah I remember that:WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »Pleasing but not surprising; they hinted at this in the Archeology Loremaster's article back in August. Still, hopefully this means we'll be getting it sooner rather than later.
FilthyMudcrabs wrote: »Brace yourselves...soon every NPC will approach us and call us the heroes of Kvatch.
If done right, sea battles would be cool. It seems like it would require a lot of development, though, and to be honest I kind of doubt we'll get it.
I'm thinking probably not. There's an Outlaws Refuge in Anvil, for example, and there's no Justice System in the Alliance War. I think it's therefore quite likely that Colovia is not participating in the war. Since the Alliances are invading Cyrodiil because they're after the Ruby Throne, there's no reason for them to be in Colovia at all.I'd love to see Kvatch in all its glory. Assuming Kvatch & the Gold Coast are going to be part of Cyrodiil/alliance war?
I'm thinking probably not. There's an Outlaws Refuge in Anvil, for example, and there's no Justice System in the Alliance War. I think it's therefore quite likely that Colovia is not participating in the war. Since the Alliances are invading Cyrodiil because they're after the Ruby Throne, there's no reason for them to be in Colovia at all.
WoW! What if we get sea battles, they are kind of it at the moment, ArcheAge and Darkfall has them already. That could be mega attraction for players to join the game too. I bet this has something to do with ships and sea.
How hard its to make, they already got destructible walls, use that for ships, different ship locations, if you shoot rear, it falls down etc.
#2 I think is the major issue. Lots of games have problems with creating movable things that a player can "ride on", like a ship, or a carriage.
- Ships are made of wood, not stone
- Keeps don't move