Im not gonna post my entire build, because I dont think its that important, Im not a min maxer by any means. Im running heavy armor stamina templar and what I do is mostly PvP while running daily pledges as a tank to rank up that Undaunted skillline. And since I hate to change my build when I switch beetween PvP and PvE, Im looking for 1 defesive ability I would put on my second bar which is also my PvE tanking bar. And I need that ability to work adequatly in PvE dungeons but in PvP also.
I was thinking about - Defensive stance (1h/shield line) and Spiked bone shield (Undaunted line). I havent used much any of these skills yet, so I was hoping there would be some ppl with enough experience with these two skills to give me their ideas.
Georgion - Bosmer/Templar - PC/EU