So i know i should not be sceptical about this but this means practicly all who buy can help build city, only logical is to think that this way you can also have home in Orsinium and while it is big speciulation, does it mean that only people that bought Orsinium will have acess to player housing? And yes player housing is importent for me for few reasons for example i have alot of items i have sentimental atachment too and keeping them at bank is trouble some but also i want to have nice place to stay in Tamriel, which would be nice.
Not saying anything in Orsinium DLC about housing makes sense if thats the case to avoid angry people screaming at them that they want houses in game wihout buying orsinium....
It would be nice if anyone that knows what exacly is in package could anwser ZOS_ maybe?
Also new styles look awesome from what i can see