Your request, if implemented, will attract more players saying "it's too hard" and then nerf difficulty. This is actually what happened with the new vet IC dungeons; the difficulty was fantastic, but many couldn't finish it and whined and complained....then they nerf their damage.
They can't really please everyone.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »You know, I'd have disagreed with you had I saw this discussion 2 or 3 months ago when i first rolled my character. I thought the game was fair because there were areas when i got punished and other areas that even as a noob I found easy, but still semi interesting. Just rolled a new toon about 10 days ago and the game just feels incredibly easy from how I remembered it being during my first run through 3 months ago. Three months i go I never had a clue what I was doing, how to use the crafting system properly and which skills were actually useful. Now, with semi decent gear and the proper skills, specced properly, I'm finding the game waaaaaaaaaay too easy.
The only parts i still find tricky on my old toon is against fire caster bosses due to me being a vampire. Especially when there's 3 bosses clutched together in one of those world boss areas. That's only down to me being a vampire and not feeding when i need to, though.
However, what i will say is I found demon Souls and Dark Souls considerably easier on my second playthroughs and that was down to it being my second playthoughs and knowing what to do. It's probably the case here too.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »You know, I'd have disagreed with you had I saw this discussion 2 or 3 months ago when i first rolled my character. I thought the game was fair because there were areas when i got punished and other areas that even as a noob I found easy, but still semi interesting. Just rolled a new toon about 10 days ago and the game just feels incredibly easy from how I remembered it being during my first run through 3 months ago. Three months i go I never had a clue what I was doing, how to use the crafting system properly and which skills were actually useful. Now, with semi decent gear and the proper skills, specced properly, I'm finding the game waaaaaaaaaay too easy.
The only parts i still find tricky on my old toon is against fire caster bosses due to me being a vampire. Especially when there's 3 bosses clutched together in one of those world boss areas. That's only down to me being a vampire and not feeding when i need to, though.
Moonscythe wrote: »Sometimes I feel like a fight and sometimes I don't.
Your request, if implemented, will attract more players saying "it's too hard" and then nerf difficulty. This is actually what happened with the new vet IC dungeons; the difficulty was fantastic, but many couldn't finish it and whined and complained....then they nerf their damage.
They can't really please everyone.
Yes i know, believe me, im first in line to vote for harder content, but the content below vet level is so easy, you can play it blindfolded for gods sake.
PVE needs a boost in difficulty
Moonscythe wrote: »Prof_Bawbag wrote: »You know, I'd have disagreed with you had I saw this discussion 2 or 3 months ago when i first rolled my character. I thought the game was fair because there were areas when i got punished and other areas that even as a noob I found easy, but still semi interesting. Just rolled a new toon about 10 days ago and the game just feels incredibly easy from how I remembered it being during my first run through 3 months ago. Three months i go I never had a clue what I was doing, how to use the crafting system properly and which skills were actually useful. Now, with semi decent gear and the proper skills, specced properly, I'm finding the game waaaaaaaaaay too easy.
The only parts i still find tricky on my old toon is against fire caster bosses due to me being a vampire. Especially when there's 3 bosses clutched together in one of those world boss areas. That's only down to me being a vampire and not feeding when i need to, though.
So, you don't want anyone who isn't a potential god to play? Everyone has to be a noob once and those who don't have the time or potential skill to become gods will just quit if the low level mobs and dungeons are hard. I don't learn anything if all I do is die (and I hate to die). If I can't catch my breath and figure out what is working and what isn't it is not any fun. Yeah, by the time you have rolled several characters and the previous bunch have left goodies behind in the bank, it's easier, but, you know, that's not a bad thing for many players. Personally, that's why I like single player games with difficulty sliders. Sometimes I feel like a fight and sometimes I don't.
This an Elder Scrolls game simulator. What made you think there would be challenge? I mean, what Elder Scrolls game was it that you thought was seeping in difficulty and couldn't be wrecked by one-button specs? Heck, a guy beat most of Skyrim using nothing but Illusion magic.
It's nice that there used to be difficulty. But difficulty has never been part of the ES formula.
That wouldn't make everyone happy though.redspecter23 wrote: »World bosses and dolmens take a full group of 24 for a shot at completing but also award nice shinies upon defeat. No reason we can't have both and make everyone happy.
But if every single fight you already know you gonna win, blindfolded, hands tied behind back, ... wheres the fun?
SaltyWorley wrote: »I'm VR3, almost VR4, and the difficulty definitely isn't there on anything close to my level. When I opened up the second area, all I did was head straight for the delves and finish all of them. I've soloed all of them at VR1-VR3 (the delves are VR1-VR5) and there is no challenge at all other than the one boss character in the delve (and usually those aren't terribly challenging). I put on Inner Light, throw down a few Blazing Spears, and spam Puncturing Sweep until everything's dead. For the bosses, I switch to a Structured Entropy/Dark Flare/Radiant Oppression combo.
The only solution is to take on things well above your level. I went to Craglorn and while I was able to defeat a few mobs of VR11-VR13 wasps and similar, everything else wiped me, so I know there's content I can get to that I cannot solo. If you fight enemies that are somewhere in the middle (i.e. 3-6 levels above you for VR ranks), you can make it challenging. World bosses as well.
It's not great. IMHO things at your level should be challenging and things a few level higher should be very challenging. As-is, things at your level are basically cake and things a few levels higher are challenging.
This an Elder Scrolls game simulator. What made you think there would be challenge? I mean, what Elder Scrolls game was it that you thought was seeping in difficulty and couldn't be wrecked by one-button specs? Heck, a guy beat most of Skyrim using nothing but Illusion magic.
It's nice that there used to be difficulty. But difficulty has never been part of the ES formula.
SaltyWorley wrote: »I'm VR3, almost VR4, and the difficulty definitely isn't there on anything close to my level. When I opened up the second area, all I did was head straight for the delves and finish all of them. I've soloed all of them at VR1-VR3 (the delves are VR1-VR5) and there is no challenge at all other than the one boss character in the delve (and usually those aren't terribly challenging). I put on Inner Light, throw down a few Blazing Spears, and spam Puncturing Sweep until everything's dead. For the bosses, I switch to a Structured Entropy/Dark Flare/Radiant Oppression combo.
The only solution is to take on things well above your level. I went to Craglorn and while I was able to defeat a few mobs of VR11-VR13 wasps and similar, everything else wiped me, so I know there's content I can get to that I cannot solo. If you fight enemies that are somewhere in the middle (i.e. 3-6 levels above you for VR ranks), you can make it challenging. World bosses as well.
It's not great. IMHO things at your level should be challenging and things a few level higher should be very challenging. As-is, things at your level are basically cake and things a few levels higher are challenging.
Maybe your class needs more nerfs for PvE content if you are finding it too easy.
But if every single fight you already know you gonna win, blindfolded, hands tied behind back, ... wheres the fun?
Hmm, don't really know. But with over 20 million copies sold, somehow people found Skyrim fun despite being exactly that.
MMOs being multiplayer draw out fans of Leaderboards and proving your superiority through more challenging content that most people wouldn't be able to overcome, but you obviously can because you're awesome. But such petitioners often forget the purpose behind games and focus only on the competition. Plenty of games exists that offer no challenge whatsoever and people enjoy them anyway for the story, the content, the progression, and with MMOs the social experience.
If even the predecessors from this series weren't all about combat that thrusts a claw through your chest to reach up and rip your face off through your esophagus, why does it seem strange for that not to be the philosophy here?
You do realize that some of us have more than one character, right?So if folks are saying it's too easy and haven't reached vet yet, lulz.
SaltyWorley wrote: »I'm VR3, almost VR4, and the difficulty definitely isn't there on anything close to my level. When I opened up the second area, all I did was head straight for the delves and finish all of them. I've soloed all of them at VR1-VR3 (the delves are VR1-VR5) and there is no challenge at all other than the one boss character in the delve (and usually those aren't terribly challenging). I put on Inner Light, throw down a few Blazing Spears, and spam Puncturing Sweep until everything's dead. For the bosses, I switch to a Structured Entropy/Dark Flare/Radiant Oppression combo.
The only solution is to take on things well above your level. I went to Craglorn and while I was able to defeat a few mobs of VR11-VR13 wasps and similar, everything else wiped me, so I know there's content I can get to that I cannot solo. If you fight enemies that are somewhere in the middle (i.e. 3-6 levels above you for VR ranks), you can make it challenging. World bosses as well.
It's not great. IMHO things at your level should be challenging and things a few level higher should be very challenging. As-is, things at your level are basically cake and things a few levels higher are challenging.
Maybe your class needs more nerfs for PvE content if you are finding it too easy.
I'm sure he can nerf himself if he wanted to.
If any of you find the game boring because it's easy, put together a skill build you consider absolutely terrible. Draw your mind away from the min-max perfectionism and play the game on a "harder difficulty". If it truly is as easy as is claimed, you should still be able to complete all challenges with a subpar arrangement of powers.
Or if you can't wrap your head around playing to suck, challenge yourself in other ways. Make solo runs on dungeons. Play a templar and be both the group tank AND healer with three dps along for the ride. Or hop into IC without a zerg and witness the wrath of that level v16 unique dark elf boss who spams cloak and kills you in four seconds. Yes yes, I know it's actually a player... imagination is what we used before video games.