Hello Guys,
my english isn't that great, so i'm sorry for some mistakes.
Notes to this screenshot: stats are unbuffed. 198 CP. 5 light, 1 mid and 1 heavy armor. No costreduction on jewelry.
On the 2nd bar i use restrostaff. Difference in stats are 35k magicka and 2000 magickareg.
Values to compare: Funnel Health 6333 Tooltipdmg and 6834 Concealed Weapon Tooltipdmg (unbuffed)
1st bar skills: Funnel Health, Crippling Grasp, Merciless Resolve, Invigorating Drain, Dark Cloak and Soul Harvest
2nd bar skills: Structured Entropy, Healing Ward, Efficient Purge, Double Take, Shadow Image and Clouding Swarm
My stats are well and with this setup i'm a monster in 1v1. Never died in a 1v1 and only DKs are hard to kill cause of reflection. I dropped Concealed Weapon from my bar, cause melee-playstyle is much fun but to expensive and since IC-patch it no longer hits through dodgerolls. Nice to know, Invigorating Drain also break block like fear.
I play Magicka-NB for a long time, but since the last big update there are some crazy changes. Magickamanagment is more difficult and overall defense-abilities are more weaker than offensive-abilites now. At the beginning everyone cried about bad TTK, but know many guys got there equipment. The damageincrease with endgame-gear in this update is huge and it's not comparable to the older updates. So the 50& damagedecrease isn't as strong as expected.
1v1 i'm feeling well at the moment, but 1vX is horrible. In 1.6 Magicka-NB was really strong with Healing Ward and you could spam it, even if many enemies sticking on you. But now it's hard to avoid burstdamage against many enemies and cloak isn't that great. At the beginning of IC Magicka-NB was the FOTM, cause of the strong NPCs in it. But they realised, that the don't get any TV-Stone, if NPCs kill the enemies for them. On the other hand, learned the community how to play against this huge amount of cloak-spamming NBs.
At the moment i'm doing difficult for me to enjoy the Magicka-NB gameplay. How do you feel guys?
Greetings ChefZero
Wow those numbers look great. What sets do you use?
Why go for 2hand if you don't go melee? Especially when using Merciless Resolve.
3x Willpower, 3x Magnus Gift and 5x Kagrenacs Hope
Why 2h? Cause the Heavy Weapons passiv is much stronger than Twin Blade and Blunt from DW. There is a thread about this matter:
Why is Merciless Resolve on my 1st bar? Cause the damageproc is much stronger than on the restrobar. Most times i use this only for damagebuff, but if i need the proc, i swap weapons, spam some lightattacks with restrostaff and swap back to activate the proc.
joshdm2001_ESO wrote: »
None of the sets you are wearing provide spell power. How are you getting 2445 base?
Wha? Kagneracs is now the Hundings Rage of Spell Power (5pc bonus) and willpower 3pc is spell power too.
joshdm2001_ESO wrote: »
I'm sorry but how is this the hundings rage of spell power?
If bonus 5 does include Increase Spell Damage by [x] that doesn't account for his High spell power # of 2445 using a two hander in addition to the fact he has no armor giving +spell damage? Now I don't know what he is using for jewelry but even if he had max spell damage on rings and neck I'm at a loss on how he has reached 2445 with a two hander.
Is his spell power high due to having 37K magicka? If that is the case, what is the point of spell damage if all people have to do is stack +magicka to get a better result?
Nice setup, but IMO you could do with a lot less health and even more magicka if you are running food, since the damage nerf means that you probably won't ever be one shot with 20k hp (even dawnbreaker from a sorc only crits for about 10k on a vamp!).
@Septimus_Magna No matter, atm im grinding stuff for reroll on StamNB. They got more burst and better utility.
With sword and board yeah maybe but the traditional 2H/dual wield and bow the utility is there but you can't use it as often (lower magicka). Sure the burst is higher.
I wanna go S&B and bow. Also Shadow Image and Double Take are magicka-skills with no need to spam it.
@Septimus_Magna No matter, atm im grinding stuff for reroll on StamNB. They got more burst and better utility.
Knootewoot wrote: »
Meh I stay magicka for a while. But stamina NB has all the good things
--> better burst
--> can heal while in stealth (rally/vigor)
--> can use rally to increase weapon power in stealth (magicka skills need target to do it)
--> more stamina to get away
--> cc immunity (shuffle and manouvres. For my magicka I just don't have the stamina for manouvres)
I got all the stuff for a stamblade (dual weapons gold, bow, 2-handed, agility rings/necklace and golden set of hunding 5pcs and 3 ashen pcs) though. I might try my old hybrid build with it someday.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »The Prox Deto + Cloak + Lotus Fan + Fear + Invis Bats combo is great for bursting someone down, magicka NBs burst damage is quite good imo and if you fail to burst someone down you can always Cloak and set up your burst again.
I agree stam NBs have better damage but magicka NBs utility is superior in every way.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
What about magicka for Cloak, Fear and Double Take?
On my magicka NB (only v1 atm) I can spam those skills as much as I like, you only need stamina to break-free, after that you have 8 second CC immunity (if CC immunity works) in which you can get away. You really dont need to sprint much with Double Take + Cloak (with Conceiled Weapon slotted).
The heal from Rally is pretty useless, I think most stam NBs are using Forward Momentum. And if you cast Healing Ward before Cloaking the heal itself wont pull you out of stealth (the cast does pull you out of stealth ofc).
The synergy with magicka NBs and being a vamp is very nice because you can use Harness Magicka to mitigate fire damage.
The Prox Deto + Cloak + Lotus Fan + Fear + Invis Bats combo is great for bursting someone down, magicka NBs burst damage is quite good imo and if you fail to burst someone down you can always Cloak and set up your burst again.
I agree stam NBs have better damage but magicka NBs utility is superior in every way.
Knootewoot wrote: »
Agree on that. That's why I am magicka, because I love the utilities. But I am pretty new to magblade so I need to learn a lot. I always been Stamblade since beta and hybrid in between (until 1.7). Also I need to level much of the skills still.
For me it feels like CC immunity never works though. If someone spams Wrecking blow I fly through the air multiple times.