and then you can float out of Craglorn
0chaosconsumeus0b14_ESO wrote: »I am very glad I didn't spend any money on it, besides the 15.00 I had been paying a month anyhow.
if u dislike being ganked, then perhaps u should stop letting your hp get so low and making your self vulnerable and be put into those positions. and gear correctly in the dangerous area u are travelling in. say u are getting ganked by a magic nightblade. u should go high spell resit and so on and so forth.. just a suggestion. kill or be killed, survival of the fittest
if u dislike being ganked, then perhaps u should stop letting your hp get so low and making your self vulnerable and be put into those positions. and gear correctly in the dangerous area u are travelling in. say u are getting ganked by a magic nightblade. u should go high spell resit and so on and so forth.. just a suggestion. kill or be killed, survival of the fittest
Lol, I love advice like this... Change your build and equipment because of a single enemy that banker you... Is this so that when you come back in, you get banker by someone using a different build than the one that banker you earlier?
Wall of text much?...
You could have researched IC before going there, so how is it Zenis fault?, and its not as hard as you think not being ganked, go stealth, use detect pots, feel the force....
No offence but sounds like a L2P issue.
No one forced you to go to IC, and if you do, then accept the risks that come with it, at least finally death has consequences, so adapt, get good.
Go in groups that actually have awareness of whats going on round them instead of care bear tunnel vision groups who can be ganked easily by 1 or 2 NBs, it is not that hard, stay stealthed, you are in a hostile AO all the time you step out of your base.
IC can be annoying granted, but your rant sounds rather like a case of oh I lost TV stones, you are all evil, Zeni is evil, blah blah whine whine.
There are ways of playing IC, to minimise the risks of losing stones, plenty of vids and stuff out there, learn it...
If you want to play somewhere with no consequences of dying bar losing some TV stones then do not play IC, you are a enemy to other players in other alliances, why should they not kill you, do you or zergs take mercy of people? no and why should they.
And yeah there are some gankers who will wait till you are almost dead to finish you off, lol, its a game, who cares?
No one forced you to go to IC...
IC made me continue my subscription even after IC came out due to the fact of how much fun it was, and I'm not even a big pvp'er. So not everyone shares your viewpoint, maybe some, but not many.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Wall of text much?...
You could have researched IC before going there, so how is it Zenis fault?, and its not as hard as you think not being ganked, go stealth, use detect pots, feel the force....
No offence but sounds like a L2P issue.
No one forced you to go to IC, and if you do, then accept the risks that come with it, at least finally death has consequences, so adapt, get good.
Go in groups that actually have awareness of whats going on round them instead of care bear tunnel vision groups who can be ganked easily by 1 or 2 NBs, it is not that hard, stay stealthed, you are in a hostile AO all the time you step out of your base.
IC can be annoying granted, but your rant sounds rather like a case of oh I lost TV stones, you are all evil, Zeni is evil, blah blah whine whine.
There are ways of playing IC, to minimise the risks of losing stones, plenty of vids and stuff out there, learn it...
If you want to play somewhere with no consequences of dying bar losing some TV stones then do not play IC, you are a enemy to other players in other alliances, why should they not kill you, do you or zergs take mercy of people? no and why should they.
And yeah there are some gankers who will wait till you are almost dead to finish you off, lol, its a game, who cares?
This is all nonsense and doesn't address the OP's concerns. Sure, you can change your whole build and playstyle for PvP and spend hour after hour skulking in dark corners solo or "stacking on crown" in a zerg, but that's NOT what most of us signed up for. The kind of play you're telling us to "L2P" alternates between nerve-wracking and boring with nothing enjoyable in between.
Plenty of us "carebears" DID research Imperial CIty when it was on the PTS, and we warned ZOS early and often that forced PvP, ganking and corpse-looting were going to make IC a MISERABLE experience, but they didn't listen. And NO, we don't have any choice about playing the IC, other than to simply quit ESO entirely.No one forced you to go to IC...
OH YES THEY DID. When they raised the level cap to VR16 and put all the good loot and XP inside the IC, they made it nearly impossible for PvEers to progress efficiently anywhere else. Remember when Z** said they were raising XP in Craglorn by 50%? That turned out to be a big fat LIE, because XP in Craglorn is half what it used to be at max level.
The best solution at this point would be if the devs simply made a campaign where PvP was turned off in the IC. PvE players don't want to adapt to PvP, we just want to grind mobs in peace.
imp city isif u dislike being ganked, then perhaps u should stop letting your hp get so low and making your self vulnerable and be put into those positions. and gear correctly in the dangerous area u are travelling in. say u are getting ganked by a magic nightblade. u should go high spell resit and so on and so forth.. just a suggestion. kill or be killed, survival of the fittest
Lol, I love advice like this... Change your build and equipment because of a single enemy that banker you... Is this so that when you come back in, you get banker by someone using a different build than the one that banker you earlier?
imp city is made for groups, if u chose to travel alone,then u signed your death.if your running around with low hp or glass cannon and no pvp setup. then yes its your human error that got u got killed. imp city is a pvp expan. if u dont liek getting ganked or killed. group up and travel togeather, or i hate to say it.. imp city isnt for u. farewell in your travels my brother.
***That's sort of the problem here. I think, It's rude and wrong to force PvE to PvP, and vice versa. It bothers ME that this expansion doesn't have content for both types, not just one, especially if they are increasing the power scales of the game (ie adding new levels, better gear, new skills, etc)***
If only PVP zergers and gankers are able to enjoy the current endgame,if u dont liek getting ganked or killed. group up and travel togeather,
or i hate to say it.. imp city isnt for u. farewell in your travels my brother.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »There are soooo many ways to secure yourself in IC, just don't expect to go their blind and PvE on your own withour having anyone disturb your PvE grind...
- Situational awerness is king - NEVER stand with your back to the entrance of a room
- Listen for game sounds carefully, hear for abilities to go off that may warn you of a stealther buffing himself
- Watch zone chat for intel (although most guys suck at giving proper intel in ESO)
- Watch a room carefully when you enter it, dead mobs? Evidence for someone being around
- Adopt your playstyle. Don't engage hard mobs with half full resources, keep yourself at full health all the time etc.
- Adopt your skill set - Radiant mage light is a blast against NB gankers
- Bank your stones on a regular basis
- DO NOT TRY TO FLEE! Seriously... if you flee, you are dead already 90% of the time, fight back to keep a chance of survival. Most gankers expect you to flee and most players having their bags packed with stones don't engage back and are easy prey. Fight back if you don't have skills slotted that help you getting away like Streak, Invis potion etc.
You can do ALL of that stuff, but you're still toast if you're out-numbered and the enemies are even halfway decent PvPers. Losing stones is a pain, but I've found it's not even the worst thing about getting ganked... it's the TIME you lose that sucks so much. Every time some a-hole ganks me in Vile Drainage, in takes 5 minutes (hauling ass) just to get from DC base back to my Dark Ether/Bone Shard trophy grind. Since it's not unusual for me to get ganked a dozen times a day, that means that roughly an HOUR of my time is wasted every day, and HOUR of my REAL LIFE is stolen because of these PvP turds! THAT'S CRAP.
Adapt, and l2p as you hate that expression so much, its not that hard to kill 1x up to 6 opponents dependent on their/your skill, at least its intense and triumphing against actual human beings, not dumb ai:P
***That's sort of the problem here. I think, It's rude and wrong to force PvE to PvP, and vice versa. It bothers ME that this expansion doesn't have content for both types, not just one, especially if they are increasing the power scales of the game (ie adding new levels, better gear, new skills, etc)***
So...they are not allowed to release DLC for one playstyle over another?
Is there a set of rules for MMO developers out there that we're unaware of?
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad. Nor does your opinion entitle you to speak for everyone else.
Fixed your quote for you.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »There are soooo many ways to secure yourself in IC, just don't expect to go their blind and PvE on your own withour having anyone disturb your PvE grind...
- Situational awerness is king - NEVER stand with your back to the entrance of a room
- Listen for game sounds carefully, hear for abilities to go off that may warn you of a stealther buffing himself
- Watch zone chat for intel (although most guys suck at giving proper intel in ESO)
- Watch a room carefully when you enter it, dead mobs? Evidence for someone being around
- Adopt your playstyle. Don't engage hard mobs with half full resources, keep yourself at full health all the time etc.
- Adopt your skill set - Radiant mage light is a blast against NB gankers
- Bank your stones on a regular basis
- DO NOT TRY TO FLEE! Seriously... if you flee, you are dead already 90% of the time, fight back to keep a chance of survival. Most gankers expect you to flee and most players having their bags packed with stones don't engage back and are easy prey. Fight back if you don't have skills slotted that help you getting away like Streak, Invis potion etc.
You can do ALL of that stuff, but you're still toast if you're out-numbered and the enemies are even halfway decent PvPers. Losing stones is a pain, but I've found it's not even the worst thing about getting ganked... it's the TIME you lose that sucks so much. Every time some a-hole ganks me in Vile Drainage, in takes 5 minutes (hauling ass) just to get from DC base back to my Dark Ether/Bone Shard trophy grind. Since it's not unusual for me to get ganked a dozen times a day, that means that roughly an HOUR of my time is wasted every day, and HOUR of my REAL LIFE is stolen because of these PvP turds! THAT'S CRAP.
Adapt, and l2p as you hate that expression so much, its not that hard to kill 1x up to 6 opponents dependent on their/your skill, at least its intense and triumphing against actual human beings, not dumb ai:P
So a fare balanced game, to you, is where you can kill up to 6 opponents by yourself? This isnt fare and balanced PvP in any game prior to ESO, Balanced PvP is where for every action there is an equal reaction and even if the persons you are killing lack skill with numbers they should easily kill you.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »There are soooo many ways to secure yourself in IC, just don't expect to go their blind and PvE on your own withour having anyone disturb your PvE grind...
- Situational awerness is king - NEVER stand with your back to the entrance of a room
- Listen for game sounds carefully, hear for abilities to go off that may warn you of a stealther buffing himself
- Watch zone chat for intel (although most guys suck at giving proper intel in ESO)
- Watch a room carefully when you enter it, dead mobs? Evidence for someone being around
- Adopt your playstyle. Don't engage hard mobs with half full resources, keep yourself at full health all the time etc.
- Adopt your skill set - Radiant mage light is a blast against NB gankers
- Bank your stones on a regular basis
- DO NOT TRY TO FLEE! Seriously... if you flee, you are dead already 90% of the time, fight back to keep a chance of survival. Most gankers expect you to flee and most players having their bags packed with stones don't engage back and are easy prey. Fight back if you don't have skills slotted that help you getting away like Streak, Invis potion etc.
You can do ALL of that stuff, but you're still toast if you're out-numbered and the enemies are even halfway decent PvPers. Losing stones is a pain, but I've found it's not even the worst thing about getting ganked... it's the TIME you lose that sucks so much. Every time some a-hole ganks me in Vile Drainage, in takes 5 minutes (hauling ass) just to get from DC base back to my Dark Ether/Bone Shard trophy grind. Since it's not unusual for me to get ganked a dozen times a day, that means that roughly an HOUR of my time is wasted every day, and HOUR of my REAL LIFE is stolen because of these PvP turds! THAT'S CRAP.
So we are PvP turds then? lmao, whine much?
So death has meaning now, I can go at will anywhere in the city and sewers with loads of stones and barely die, but then im a PvP turd and you are a carebear, so why are you in IC, if you cannot handle it, then dont be there.
Lol the whines from you are amazing, its a mixed zone, where death lurks the second you step out of your base.
Adapt, and l2p as you hate that expression so much, its not that hard to kill 1x up to 6 opponents dependent on their/your skill, at least its intense and triumphing against actual human beings, not dumb ai:P