Ps4 Firmware - 3.0 - LFG Community for Daggerfall EU

Not sure if this will work, but the new firmware allows us to create "communities" with built in forums/wall - similar style to facebook groups.

Perhaps try and get some people in there for LFG requests.
Example - LF healer darkshade etc.

The notifications appear on the ps4 notification system, so it's just a matter of someone hopefully replying in there :pensive:

So if you are intrested add me on psn: Symonator - then i'll invite you, then you invite others and so on.


v16 - Imperial - DK Tank
v16 - Redguard -NB Dps
v16 - Breton Templar - Heals
Guildmaster of the witchers (PS4 eu) - 500 members trading guild in craglorn.
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