Hi all.
I'm not far off of v16 now and was wondering what direction I should take with regards to gear;
I'm looking to probably just go straight v14 seducer set just to get me started, will make them blue and stick the usual enchants on it until I further my loot.
But what next? I'm assuming I should dive straight in veteran dungeons and get them done to see what drops, but does anyone have an idea as to what gear I should be looking for in particular? I'm in process of setting up an end game PVE guild and have several very good members so I don't really want to let the side down when it comes to my dps. Have looked on several skill guides and the one I've been paying particular attention to is Dymence's build guide :
http://tamrielfoundry.com/topic/2-0-1-endgame-pve-sorcerer-dps-petless-build-by-dymence/ however I've not asked other Sorcerors their stance on this!
I play this game a fair amount so ideally what I'm after is something to get me started at v16 which isn't amazing, then another gear set for me to aim for.
Thanks a lot in advance!