n.milseb16_ESO wrote: »I know so many people who want battlegrounds.
Many quit the game cause there is no content for small scale pvp! Everyone was like "The game is really nice, but without battlegrounds... no way..."
There are many small scale pvp firends in this game who are bored of the Cyrodil AvA and wish this kind of content so badly.
Actualy i think Battlegrounds would attract many players!
CorrieSmith wrote: »Why can't we have this?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNuuwewSipk
Seriously I don't understand, the content is already made give it a good elo system of some sort allow 1/2/4 man teams and maybe an option to make it 1 team vs 1 team?
It's so simple yet so effective all the PvP players will be happy and It's good business which will allow for tournaments and a chance to be an actual big esports event.
I as a pvp player came back recently after not playing for 7 month because cyrodil got boring and due to IC being released we all hoped for arena dueling now that we are all done gearing up again it will be back to cyrodil for the same old boring zerg fest with no real sense of achievement or skill.
Please can you address this and let us know if there is any point of us hoping to ever receive anything like this?
I'm sure a lot of players want this also and it doesn't affect the PvE players or get in the way of what they want to do
Because people with 1000+ cp would wipe the floor with everyone. and at any given time 2 to 3 skills are bugged and can be exploited. so... we've have some major RAGE games going on. plus we have perma stealthers, animation cancle gods , and one shot wonders that would destroy your guy's illusions of liking this sort of map. Simply put if u have a raid of 40 people it's not noticeable...but if you magnify in and make smaller matches the deep gashes in coding, and imbalances become VERY apparent. Guess my point is... this game doesn't have enough spit and polish to successfully do this sort of thing.
Well Cp brackets would alienate some players... And make high and low population brackets. so getting matches till would be hard for some, impossible for others. Idk... it would just be another thing everyone would be asking them to fix. They can't keep up with their current work load...so yeah.
Well Cp brackets would alienate some players... And make high and low population brackets. so getting matches would be hard for some, impossible for others. Idk... it would just be another thing everyone would be asking them to fix. They can't keep up with their current work load...so yeah. And if they can't make a working dungeon group finder that people will actually use. what makes you think they'd succeed with this?
I'm not saying I don't love the "idea" of it. im just being realistic and saying Zos doesn't have the man power nor the skill to pull it off.