Melee damage VR15 v's VR16

DW question as well as individual daggers here:

Dagger of endurance, VR16 Purple, 1132 plus 494 magic/224 health restore.....equipped in main hand, Weapon Damage total 2475.
Dagger self crafted, VR15 Gold, 1235 plus 470 magic/213 health restore.....equipped in main hand, Weapon Damage total 2564.


1. The difference in total damage of each item does not equal the difference in total weapon damage when both are armed. How is this correct?
2. Which used in the primary hand will wield the greatest damage as a DW combination? (The gold15 by numbers, or the purple16 due to some factor of being a higher level, albeit not higher refinement, item?

I'm guessing there's someone on here can explain this to me.
Question 1 isn't near as important as question 2 of course.
II Swindy II

Australian on Xbox NA (ex EU)
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