Hey everyone, I need some help making a decision on what kind of a character I should make. I wanna make a character thats like me in a way. So that means it definitely needs to be an archer; it has to use a bow. I need a little help choosing my class though.
I want to have a class that does a decent amount of damage, but also allows me to heal my allies a decent amount of health too. So with that in mind should I choose templar? I know they have ranged attack skills and healing skills which seems like a good class to choose for me, but I was wondering should I go with nighblade? I haven't looked into nightblade that much but I know they do have some skills that heal their allies and they have a lot of skills to deal good damage. I just want to have a character that can basically do damage just as well as it can heal allies. Im pretty sure I should go with the templar, but I'm not too sure.
And as for the weapons, Obviously I'm more of a ranged attack player so I'm definitely going to use a bow, but I do use one handed weapons when it fits the part (sometimes I dual wield daggers). So for my secondary weapon should I dual wield daggers, use a healing staff, just use the bow, or something else?
Please let me know what your thoughts are. They are ALL appreciated. Thanks for the help!