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Problems of PVP need to be fixed! (Cyrodiil: SIEGE DAMAGE, LAGTRAINS IC: PVE ZERGS)

Just to present my viewpoint here. I am a PvPer, or rather AvAvA player and group leader on BwB.
Here I want to talk about PvP in general, concerning both Cyrodiil and Imperial City.

Imperial City:

Buff camapigns and related PVEers in PVP content are a major problem and are ruining PvP acpects of this game.
They are not the only reason, but lets start with this. ZOS removed PvP buffs outside Cyrodiil, as I understand it, with a hope, that buff campaigns will disapear. However, at the same time, they introduced IC, only v16 zone where you can get tons of materials, gear - 3 exclusive v16 jewellery sets and CP experience, that at the same time promised small scale PvP.
As a resoult of course tons of PvEers want to play IC, as ZOS intended, so BUFF SERVERS didn't disapear at all. They are still here for PvEers, and small scale PvP is reduced to small PvP groups being EATEN by PvE ZERGS everywhere.. While its not impossible to play, the situation is far from ideal.

Solution:I get that this is not what u intendet Cyrodiil or IC to be, but is there a possibility of creating a PVE version of Cyro+ IC for each alliance? I dont even care for how easy or unchallenging is it for them, tha fact is that they are ruining every single of PvP camapigns and I want them gone.. That way each alliance would have its own "BUFF SERVER" and PvEers wouldn't feel the need to just swarm and destroy every normal campaign intended for PvP.
Another maybe less drastic change would be to set max group size in IC to 10 - 12. While this wouldnt necesarry stop larger groups form forming, It would at least make it INCONVENIENT and therfore rarer.


Huge problem of Alliance war is that it mostly turned into ZERGFEST, where the best and therefore the most viable way are lagtrains. BwB campaign was the rare campaign where this was not the case. However recent changes to the damage reduction and raising battle leveling to v14 introduced this problem in full glory.
Sieges are FAR LESS EFFECTIVE becasue of a reduced damage, and cheap (especially if you are battle leveled) purging. Additionaly roll-dodge and block, the mechanics smaller groups or solo players were using the most, have been nerfed. While I dont have major problem with that and I think that those 2 were generally good changes, this only adds to a problem of ZERG UBER ALLES!
This resoults in either one alliance claiming the whole map or battles 60v60, where you cant see anything, you are praying your computer doesnt die, while having ZERO FUN, casue you are apparently just spaming your impulse or whirlwind (guessing proxy det in vet), and purge till 60 enemy players are spamming the exact same spells kill you in a second.

Solution: As previously suggested, separate PvE camapaigns would remove PvEers form Cyrodiil so they wont just swarm every keep they find or PvD it every night. That way we would finally remove buff campaigns form existance and Cyrodiil will actually be for those who want to PvP. That would balance the campaigns as they were never balanced before and both PvP and PvE communities would thank you for it.
But more importantly for Cyrodiil - Spells that lagtrains are thriving on must be tweaked accordingly. Barrier and purge are way to strong when used in large groups, they should be limited either with duration, strenght or cost (barrier maybe weaker and weaker as it affects more and more players, purge and purifying ritual with way higher cost and just affecting you and not area).
In addition, there is no doubt that with new damange reduction AND higher veteran level (higher max stats) available, SIEGES MUST BE BUFFED!

To conclude: The good path towards making Cyrodiil and IC PvP zones they should and have potential to be is to create separate PvE campaign for all 3 alliances - I know this seems lika a laughable wish for some, but I really dont know why: PvPers would be happy, PvEers would be happy - everybody wins! Sieges must be BUFFED, some really strong group spells must be NERFED, and group size for IC must be REDUCED.

If I forgot anything, fellow PvPers, feel free to join in.
I can only hope ZOS @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom , @ZOS_BrianWheeler , @ZOS_RichLambert , will listen and respond.

Valkynaz of the Daedric Order
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    • Balance changes and skill changes need to behave differently from PvP and PvE. Until the devs have a mechanism to do this, its just going to get worse and worse.
    • Reduce the Max group size, from 24, to 16 in PvP. Yes this will involve programming. Yes it will be hard. Programming is hard. The 24 max group size limit is probably hard coded into the system and changing it will introduce tons of bugs and allow DKs to fly. This won't be fixed for 3 months. I don't care. Hire someone who knows how to program and make it happen.
    • Bring back the Elite Gear Vendor in outer cyrodiil and update all the PvP gear INCLUDING JEWELRY to V16. This will give people an actual incentive to gain AP and hold territory in cyrodiil. You can't have only three endgame jewelry sets. Stop acting like Smeagol and give up control of the rings.
    • Remove CP system in BWB. Create an additional Vet PvP campaign without CP and with softcaps.
    Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on September 27, 2015 5:32PM
  • Lookstowindwards
    Thoughts of a PvEler (mostly):

    - dont care, if we have a PvE-Buffserver for IC - but maybe it would help, yes
    - I dont want to grind (please - the few quests in IC dont make it into a questing zone, its still mostly a grind) .. IF I WOULD LIKE TO GRIND I WOULD BE PLAYING ASIAN MMOS!
    So please:
    - Just remove TV-Stones, or give them away for actual PvP (no, not killing PvEler or even roflstomping small groups (of PvP- or PvE-players) with a PvE-train!)
    - make the new crafting mats be found either in IC or Cyro - yes, the crafters could still be killed while collecting, but they would keep their crafting mats
    - make IC into an actual PvP-Zone with districts to hold/infiltrated from sewers etc. - you can leave the quest for us PvElers in, they would fit perfectly AND we would have to fight for a district to do the quests in it (and not having to stupidly grind Mobs we would leave quickly after we are done with the quests ;) )
    • Bring back the Elite Gear Vendor in outer cyrodiil and update all the PvP gear INCLUDING JEWELRY to V16. This will give people an actual incentive to gain AP and hold territory in cyrodiil. You can't have only three endgame jewelry sets. Stop acting like Smeagol and give up control of the rings.

    This. I want to throw my Gold on PvPler for Vet16 Ravangers! Badly! And AP would have a use again.

    And if you are at it: Master weapons in Vet16 would also be nice

  • nimander99
    I get that this is not what u intendet Cyrodiil or IC to be,

    There is no one, no one that works at ZoS that is surprised by what we are seeing in Cyrodiil and IC... many forum users (including myself) called this out a long time ago. Don't believe the whole "oh we didn't see this coming" line, its pure obfuscation.

    Edited by nimander99 on September 27, 2015 7:15PM

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
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