Ayrene was bugging me to come help you last night, but I was trying to help crown Zheg on trueflame with LoM and VE.
Kinda wish id shown up now.
Don't worry about it @Rylana it was no hope, my own guild refused to come help me lol, so I gathered whoever was online at the time, and it happened to be a very l337 group, me corgi and swampy being the shock trooper DKs we are and crog healing, with Bolt and Qaevir doing sorc things... Wiped them. So many times Ry... They pushed all the way onto the flags twice and died because my take flight is like getting a hit by a truck going 90.
Sounds to me like it woulda been a perfect opportunity for me to reintroduce Minerva, my power healer I havent played in forever
Someone who hates this game...
Was that an organised guild group in the video? Looked like 10 pugs to me... ?
Hail Licinius!
And just lol, the force that greatly outnumbered us... resorted to a forward camp... Dat zerg swarm!
No, just swarm of pugs. Probably rallied by a particular salty EP player, picked up from zone chat in PvE land. This video was just a mere snippet. The fight at Roe felt like... hours... Could never repair the damn wall, they just kept returning... It was endless. AP was actually diminished towards the end, because they had a forward camp they would spawn from and mindlessly rush us.
the video was rather disappointingthere were six of us to their full twenty four man raid
Cinnamon_Spider wrote: »When you bring in three guilds to flip a map who then immediately leave, you shouldn't expect to be able to hold it.
Thanks for taking what little DC held and setting back any progress on Chillrend.
After reading the video was rather disappointing
And you should go back to magicka DK. Stay strong. Seeing 1 class skill on bar just feels wrong.
You mean last year, when it was held as a buff server?
I find this post very ironic as Chillrend is mostly yellow and I'm Emperor again... And Cin, Chillrend had been blue for 90% of it's existence so don't even get me started. It's the campaign where Hova and Kami were emp for 3 months each, consecutively, so plz, stahp.
Not to mention extremely f****ng hypocritical considering the lovely 40 man NPK was there yesterday as well.
WAIT. I'm retracting everything I've said. CHILL SHOULD BE ALL BLUE ALL THE TIME.
I find this post very ironic as Chillrend is mostly yellow and I'm Emperor again... And Cin, Chillrend had been blue for 90% of it's existence so don't even get me started. It's the campaign where Hova and Kami were emp for 3 months each, consecutively, so plz, stahp.
Not to mention extremely f****ng hypocritical considering the lovely 40 man NPK was there yesterday as well.
WAIT. I'm retracting everything I've said. CHILL SHOULD BE ALL BLUE ALL THE TIME.
Actually the *local* blues on Chill fought off Zerg swarm after zerg swarm of EP (that zerg that mopped you guys up last night times 3) and after weeks of an entirely red map we finally were able to hold onto some keeps and scrolls for once. This was with no guild groups and no real organization against a daily 3 bar red 1 bar blue campaign. Then you randomly decide to join the campaign again, bribe my own bloody guild to crown you and I log in today without a single keep.
Try an be a little more understanding if some local players are a bit miffed at you right now....because you just *** in our sandbox.
Bribed your guild lol, I asked if they wanted to help, and they did. I don't know where your getting this 3 guild crap from, TM and my group were the only ones there, and don't complain to me that you logged in with no keeps that EP took, not my fault they have a 24 man raid at 5am, I'm not going to defend your keeps for you, especially not after you act like this towards me on the forums.
When I asked my guild why they were crowning you they said you and some other AD guild promised to help them crown one of our players on another campaign if they crowned you on Chill. Seems like a bribe to me and they had no reason to lie.
Besides meat you had whatever guild Ithil belongs too, I don't know where you're getting 3 guilds from. Yellow had 2 bars when you were crowned which hasn't happened since the launch of IC. If meat never showed up you had zero chance at getting emp because other than them, Qaevir and one or two others the rest of the AD pushing were dross.
So there I were, walk'n them imperial sewers like one does, when I'm suddenly under the assault of a frenzied flyin goblin. I watched him whip; he watched me...I'm not doing a pop culture joke. Anyways, after an uneventfull 1v1 I find myself on the receiving end of two spears, another flyin goblin, and some batty sorc trowing rocks at me.
Though valiantly I fought, I were no match for the mighty emperor's guardsmen. I returned to the same fate another time before finding a xivkyn templar on his own, but he ran at the sight of me. I knew it were a trap, so I sat back. Soon only a lowly flying goblin remained. The fight were over in seconds, but to my dismay it were not the mighty goblinkin emperor, but a doppelganger that stayed behind to trow me off the trail.
I suspect the regal goblin ascended to aetherius, for they say if you look to the north sky on a dead server at night you can see his flaming whip in the sky...but I think it a myth. He's out there waitin to pounce again.
Was definitely fun, I hate being a Stam DK but it's the only way to play the class to any functionality anymore.Funny seeing a video where I'm the enemy. Was a fun weekend though.
Feel you mate. Changed my beloved DK to stamina. Hate it, don't wanna play it.
Oh why did you do this ZOS?