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Another way to obtain rare motifs and fragments of motifs.

I'm fine with people being able to buy these motifs, but I would like another way to obtain them in game outside of doing the repeatable quests. After a while, repeatable quests become mind-numbly boring and turn into a chore, which obviously isn't fun. It would be nice to be able to find these Glass motif fragments in the open world, just like we can search for Dwarven motif parts in Dwemer ruins.

For example, we can currently find Malachite shards in all manner of chests throughout the world. But why not add Glass motif fragments to these chests also? I understand that they want this motif to be rare, so instead of having the chance to obtain them from all the chests throughout the world, we could have them restricted to Master/Advanced chests and Treasure Map chests since those are generally the ones you encounter the least.

While I'm on the topic of chests, what I've suggested above could also be applied to various rare recipes and fragments of recipes. I've always wondered why we don't have more diverse chest loot when we can find a lot of the older recipes and motifs in various containers, it would make opening these higher tiered chests and chests in general more exciting if you know you have a chance at a fragment of a motif or recipe. Even the lowered tier chests should offer a chance at obtaining the more common motifs and recipes that we can already find in various containers throughout the world.

This was originally just going to be about the Glass motif fragments, but that idea expanded when I thought of adding more value to the chests around the world. I'll give more of an example of how chest loot could be enhanced below.

Motifs and recipes will vary depending on the level of the zone you are in, much like how the current loot works for containers around the world. E.g. you can only find Ancient Elf and Daedric motifs in containers within Cadwell's Gold zones and so this should apply to chests also.

Chest(Simple) could include: Green tier recipes.

Chest(Intermediate) could include: Green and Blue tiered recipes and motifs.

Chest(Advanced) could include: Blue and Purple*­¹ tiered recipes and motifs.

Chest(Master)/Treasure Maps*² could include: Purple*­¹ and Gold tiered recipes and motifs, along with fragments of recipes and motifs.

*­¹ = Excluding Dwarven and Xivkyn motifs.
*² = Excluding CE Treasure Maps.

Even if the chance to obtain the more rarer items becomes notoriously abysmal, I would still prefer having this chance in addition to the repeatable quests. Feel free to provide your thoughts on this idea or ideas in addition to this, thanks for reading!


Edit: Providing a link to a post I made further down that offers more insight on how this could also be worked into future DLC areas along with future rare motifs.
Edited by Kuroinu on September 25, 2015 11:30AM
  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    Cool idea. I think you can earn motifs in chests currently, although its rare.

    Having more variations would be nice. Maybe even up the drop rate of set items with lick difficulty.
  • Ourorboros
    I think you can earn motifs in chests currently, although its rare.
    I've opened thousands of chests and never found a motif. Pretty sure they don't drop in chests or surely I would have found at least one.

    I love the idea of adding motif chapters and books to chests. Something needs to be done to spice them up. I currently open chests for easy XP, free soul gems, glyphs for alt training, and a bit of gold, not equipment. The equipment is pretty much crap and only good manners stops me from just leaving it in the chest.

    There are other threads about improving chests, but this thread is timely. It will take a long, long time to get all the Glass chapters just doing writs. ANY other option to get them would be welcome, and chests make sense. Also need to up the drop rate for malachite shards. I've acquired 32, but I have been running chest loops every day. At this rate, unless I buy them, I'll have enough shards to make a full set of glass armor in time for Xmas. :'( Not that it matters that much, since getting the mats and Glass chapters will take that long or longer. Zos will NEVER get my money for vanity items.
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • phairdon
    +1. Love this idea.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Qyrk
    Ourorboros wrote: »
    I think you can earn motifs in chests currently, although its rare.
    I've opened thousands of chests and never found a motif. Pretty sure they don't drop in chests or surely I would have found at least one.


    Just as an aside; you can get xivkyn motif from vault chests :).
  • Iluvrien
    They won't do it. With the grinds as hard as they are, it drives people to the Crown Store. This is what ZO$ wants.

    Why would they introduce a mechanic that would decrease the effectiveness of this carefully crafter slap in the face of dedicated crafters?
  • Kuroinu
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    They won't do it. With the grinds as hard as they are, it drives people to the Crown Store. This is what ZO$ wants.

    Why would they introduce a mechanic that would decrease the effectiveness of this carefully crafter slap in the face of dedicated crafters?

    I understand your frustration at our current system. I sort of hinted to this in my original post when I mentioned that the chest loot would mimic the current container loot depending on the level of zone.

    Now take Imperial City for example, you buy that DLC and you gain access to Xivkyn motifs via special chests. They could have added Glass motif fragments in addition to this. Also for the up coming Orisinium DLC, they could add Glass motif fragments to chests within the Wrothgar zone. This could also be said for future DLC zones and new rare motifs.

    While you could say that they are being put behind a pay wall, which is technically true. Depending on perspective, this could also be seen as a slight reward for having bought the DLC. If money has to be heavily involved in motifs, I'd much rather that zone DLCs came with an additional method to gaining them. Since you have provided support for the game by buying the DLC, the area you now have access to should offer additional methods to obtain the rare motif fragments.

    To clarify my point, rare motifs should also be available in all DLC zones that you purchase via the method that my original post describes or at least something similar to this.
    Edited by Kuroinu on September 25, 2015 3:45AM
  • JWT
    it's called make alts and farm with them folks 's not hard~
    but as a dedicated chest farmer I do like the idea of being able to find higher tier rewards via difficulty ;3
    may his chaos set you free~

    Fennreous Ironwill - v15 stammblade/tank - AD
    Nitara ShadowClaw - v16 stammblade/tank - EP
    Ka'ri ShadowClaw - v16 magicblade - DC
  • ThisOnePosts
    I also would definitely rather to obtain than in ways OTHER than writs.

    Many of us have gotten that 250 Writ Achievement already. It is not exciting to do a 1x per day, waste of materials which I am no longer even using for my characters.

    The Psijic Recipe was one thing. Provisioning Writs don't feel like a total waste.. nor do Alchemy or Enchanting. What feels like a complete waste, is the other 3 writs after you are maxed out. They use up so much materials that it's not even worth what you get back.

    So, the Psijic Recipe you needed 7 fragments to create one whole. The Glass Motif, we had to collect 10 fragments, then buy another item to craft 1 random page.. just ONE page. And which 3 writs had the chance to drop it? The ones that actually reward us the least for doing when maxed out.

    ZOS needs to think of a better way to make those writs attractive and don't do it with Motifs. Motifs in Trophy Vault chests, okay. Motifs only in Dwemer ruins... okay. RNG to find in various containers Motifs... fine. But finding the Glass Motif peaces felt like anything but fun and completely unrewarding in the process.

    Don't do the next Motifs like that. Multiple ways to find things also make the game feel more open-ended. You know that you could go to the Cadwell's Gold zones if you wanted to farm for Daedric or Ancient Elf motifs for example. So, at least we can all go about it our own ways. The way the Glass Motif was handled, was nothing more than a nuisance --- which yes many of us got around and still built up our collections HOWEVER it was still a nuisance and not fun/engaging in any way, shape, or form. Plus being limited to doing each of those writs 1x per day.... makes it even worse to put something that requires many pieces as a part of them.

    And yes I have alts all maxed out in everything... still, what a waste of materials and very unrewarding. In fact, you could buy them for cheaper than the materials cost you based on odds --- or farm them yourself which is a waste of time given how much more lucrative trophy vault fragments are and what you could make off of the rarer drops in gold (at least for a time) so at least there was that positive new farming experience. I made millions of gold thanks to Imperial City; this is all without resorting to alts or unrewarding writs. :grin:

    Also: Take a good look at Blacksmith, Clothier, and Woodworking Writs in comparison to the other 3. I mean c'mon.. the gear/weapons writs are so much less rewarding with many times over the waste in materials. I know I said that already, but it's worth saying again in the same post! Other than that... love Imperial City... I like how Xivkyn was obtained, bring on more IC-like content!
  • Kuroinu
    Updated my original post to include a link to the second post I made that explains of how this could work with future DLC also.
  • Harasdar
    Really like the idea :)
  • BalticBlues
    Good suggestion. I cannot remember the last time I went for a treasure, because it isn't worth the time anymore. ZOS, please give your treasures a new meaning.
    Edited by BalticBlues on September 25, 2015 11:33AM
  • lathbury
    this is a great suggestion.
  • Elloa
    I like this suggestion!
  • CGPsaint
    JWT wrote: »
    it's called make alts and farm with them folks 's not hard

    The solution should NEVER have to be, "make alts." Some aspects of this game are simply fundamentally flawed.
  • LordSemaj
    JWT wrote: »
    it's called make alts and farm with them folks 's not hard~

  • Ourorboros
    Qyrk wrote: »
    Ourorboros wrote: »
    I think you can earn motifs in chests currently, although its rare.
    I've opened thousands of chests and never found a motif. Pretty sure they don't drop in chests or surely I would have found at least one.


    Just as an aside; you can get xivkyn motif from vault chests :).

    Of course, that's clearly stated in patch notes. And maybe that is what the poster I responded to was referencing. But the OP was discussing chests outside of IC, where motifs do not drop. That is where my comment was addressed. Posts can be confusing if everything is not explicitly stated since we're not mind readers. :D
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • Teiji
    Please never leave the forums Riko_Futatabi.

    I'd love for Traits to be similar to this.

    Normal mobs commonly drop green and white items, these should frequently have well-fitted, training, sturdy traits and the like on them.

    Elite mobs as well as mobs in dungeons, public dungeons and so on drop items which don't have well-fitted, training and sturdy traits on them; they should have infused, sharpened, precise and the like on their respective drops.

    So, the more difficult and challenging the mob, the better the traits which can drop.

    Also, crafters should be able to change the traits on items, this could cost the highest tier crafting materials as well as legendary tempers for a trait of choice, this could also be changed in order to make the trait you can re-roll as Zenimax loves so much -- random.
    "Serving Boethiah is Freedom, embracing heroism is Liberty, existing solely for noxiphilic sanguivoria is truth." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    European megaserver Fallout 4

    Loyalist of Boethiah, heroism enthusiast, exposer of secrets, bless'ed of noxiphilic sanguivoria.

    Nerf one grind, two more take its place; hail Gryndra!

    I am a dank memer and satire enthusiast
  • Ourorboros
    If Zeni can't find it's way to allow trait reassignment, and leaves random traits on loot, then they should at least rework the traits so they are all desirable. STURDY, WELL-FITTED, DEFENDING, etc should all have attributes that make them as desired as DIVINES and INFUSED. That would go a long way to eliminating the disappointment when a nice loot drop has a crap trait. What were they thinking?!
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • FireCowCommando
    Im all for difficult grinds that take months to achieve. I am not about those grinds being bypassed in less then 2 weeks by a $$$ system.
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