I'm fine with people being able to buy these motifs, but I would like another way to obtain them in game outside of doing the repeatable quests. After a while, repeatable quests become mind-numbly boring and turn into a chore, which obviously isn't fun. It would be nice to be able to find these Glass motif fragments in the open world, just like we can search for Dwarven motif parts in Dwemer ruins.
For example, we can currently find Malachite shards in all manner of chests throughout the world. But why not add Glass motif fragments to these chests also? I understand that they want this motif to be rare, so instead of having the chance to obtain them from all the chests throughout the world, we could have them restricted to Master/Advanced chests and Treasure Map chests since those are generally the ones you encounter the least.
While I'm on the topic of chests, what I've suggested above could also be applied to various rare recipes and fragments of recipes. I've always wondered why we don't have more diverse chest loot when we can find a lot of the older recipes and motifs in various containers, it would make opening these higher tiered chests and chests in general more exciting if you know you have a chance at a fragment of a motif or recipe. Even the lowered tier chests should offer a chance at obtaining the more common motifs and recipes that we can already find in various containers throughout the world.
This was originally just going to be about the Glass motif fragments, but that idea expanded when I thought of adding more value to the chests around the world. I'll give more of an example of how chest loot could be enhanced below.
Motifs and recipes will vary depending on the level of the zone you are in, much like how the current loot works for containers around the world.
E.g. you can only find Ancient Elf and Daedric motifs in containers within Cadwell's Gold zones and so this should apply to chests also.Chest(Simple) could include:
Green tier recipes.
Chest(Intermediate) could include:
Green and
Blue tiered recipes and motifs.
Chest(Advanced) could include:
Blue and
Purple*¹ tiered recipes and motifs.
Chest(Master)/Treasure Maps*² could include:
Purple*¹ and
Gold tiered recipes and motifs, along with fragments of recipes and motifs.
*¹ = Excluding Dwarven and Xivkyn motifs.
*² = Excluding CE Treasure Maps.
Even if the chance to obtain the more rarer items becomes notoriously abysmal, I would still prefer having this chance in addition to the repeatable quests. Feel free to provide your thoughts on this idea or ideas in addition to this, thanks for reading!
@ZOS_RichLambertEdit: Providing a link to a post I made further down that offers more insight on how this could also be worked into future DLC areas along with future rare motifs.