Ever play Dark Age of Camelot? Amazing but ancient PVP game (which strangely enough is still around). Though some of its mechanics are oddly familiar...
Tri-realm combat centered around keep taking...
Faction-locked races with unique racial benefits...
Guilds able to claim captures and territory...
Multiple skill lines to pick and choose abilities from...
Level cap of 50 with extra RR levels for added power...
Post-50 Champion levels for even more grindy goodness...
PVP-unlocked war powers for large-scale combat...
PVPVE dungeon competed over by the three realms...
Play as a Vampire... (well, actually a Vampiir...)
Play as a Werewolf... (wait, sorry, wereBEAR...)
Soul-grinding and tedious crafting system...
Actually, considering how much more there was, it's more like DAOC 0.2 - Alpha Edition.
Simplified and streamlined for the modern age of instant gratification.
With action combat!!! It puts the sword in its belly!!!
But no player housing, legendary artifacts, underwater exploration, or poison crafting.
ESO meanwhile has Caldwell Silver and Gold.
Ever notice how the racial flavor of Albion is similar to the DC? Or Hibernia to the AD? Midgard is sooo Skyrim EP.
Nostalgia is fun!