The more posts I read, both past and present, the more issues I see occurring without any ever really being resolved. I see devs make few posts promising results and asking for patience but I don't actually see these "results." The fact I am currently having issues mentioned in posts dating back to launch in 2014 can't be denied. IT'S ALMOST 2016!!! So if these issues are ever to be fixed, how about a time frame or at least an estimation? Give me a general range of how long it may be before I'm able to play without constant frustration. Patience only goes so far with paying customers. We have been patient, going on 3 weeks now, personally. Do not tell me to open a ticket as I am more than certain I'm not the only one with the same problems. Beyond Paying, downloading and pressing that little, blue "PLAY" button I should not be given a laundry list of things I need to manually do myself before I'm able to play. If the game is simply broken and this is just how it will always be, THEN OWN UP TO IT! Your customers have the right to know these things. If you are reading this post and have yet to Pay NOT to Play, save your money for when the issues have been resolved or use it on another game because AS IS this game is simply not worth the purchase. It's not my intention to flame or rip on anyone, I honestly do not believe I am out of line in any sense whatsoever. You can only tell someone to "be patient" so many times before patience runs out. The world runs on deadlines, you are not the exception, this is your job. Figure it out or give me a refund, I love ES but at this point I'm ambivalent.