I did on a purely evil sense, enjoy using 2H Ravaging greatsword with weighted and spamming WBs like a machine gun though hehe.
I did on a purely evil sense, enjoy using 2H Ravaging greatsword with weighted and spamming WBs like a machine gun though hehe.
Weightend doesnt increase the speed of WBlows.
@Jitterbug - it's only a PvP issue, in PvE, DW/Bow is a superb choice. You dont have to "gimp" yourself in PvP as well for not using 2h. You can use Potions for Major Brutality and with Vigor and Flying Blade, you kind of have the same tools. Not as good as Rally, but the tools are available. You "just" have to adept your playstyle.
This topic is beaten to death several times now and ZOS already addressed it a bit with:
- Vigor more accessable
- Flying Blade getting Major Brutality
- Rally is way more expensive
You see they are aware and testing things to improve the situation. While it's not optimal now, it's really playable. Think about what you lose for going 2h instead of DW as well.
- lose the best aoe
- 1 setbonus less
- less weapon damage in general
Knootewoot wrote: »But still, Wrecking blow is very strong and they should fix animation cancelling. Also people using it should have a debuff called "broken wrist" if they use it more then 1 time in less then 3 secs. Damage -80% and no cc/knockback
S+B has some really, really cool abilities and passives. In fact, both of my bars are S+B and I'm seriously happy with that skill line. I just wish it had Rally.. or I could get a master sword for my level
That's the whole point. You have to make an effort NOT to use a 2H and it really becomes the Cookie Cutter of Hunding's Rage
That's the whole point. You have to make an effort NOT to use a 2H and it really becomes the Cookie Cutter of Hunding's Rage
Oh yeah, I'm not saying I disagree with you. I hate the fact I have to level 2h if I want a heal on my stam build, because that's literally all I'd use it for. So this time around I didn't even bother - just molded my build more around survivability so I didn't need to rely on those heals as often. Eventually when I rank up I'll just get Vigor, but until then I literally have nothing but Dragon Blood (which blows now).
If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.
Knootewoot wrote: »Rally's WD buff should only work for 2-handed abilities. I always feel I need to have 2-handed just for rally whether I use bow or DW. Currently I dropped it since I use potions for the xtra 20% WD. But still, Wrecking blow is very strong and they should fix animation cancelling. Also people using it should have a debuff called "broken wrist" if they use it more then 1 time in less then 3 secs. Damage -80% and no cc/knockback
willymchilybily wrote: »Knootewoot wrote: »Rally's WD buff should only work for 2-handed abilities. I always feel I need to have 2-handed just for rally whether I use bow or DW. Currently I dropped it since I use potions for the xtra 20% WD. But still, Wrecking blow is very strong and they should fix animation cancelling. Also people using it should have a debuff called "broken wrist" if they use it more then 1 time in less then 3 secs. Damage -80% and no cc/knockback
animation cancel wrecking blow still confuses me, sounds misleading, if you cancel the animation you cancel the ability? maybe right at the end of the animation you can shave a few milliseconds off and not cancel the attack?
anyway i see people say this enough to believe maybe I'm naive and not them. Someone able to post a video so i can understand what a animation cancelled wrecking blow looks like. aka pics or it didn't happen.
on topic:
i think bow is fine where it is, and 2H is very fine where it is. DW flying blade damage buff is a step in the right direction but i think using DW in PVP succesfully over 2H is very class specific at the moment. Eg gap closer/execute/CC lacking (unless steel tornado as execute). A stamina NB already has these things, and a damage spam move so may be viable to go for the bonuses DW give over 2H, But on other classes, like a DK without gap closer (charge based) or execute, or even a stamina damage spam move means 2H is a required option, (imo) for other stamina builds.
i agree with op though its not that 2H is OP its that some classes or other weapon skill lines are lacking what allows them to work well together. Though i dont mind using a 2H you can always swap out the other weapon bar if you are bored
And let me just repeat:
I don't want 2H nerfed or changed. 2H is awesome.
I want more creative utilities in namely dw and bow. Mostly dw... twin slashes, blade cloak, c'mon.
It might have been beaten to death as someone said, but it's not dead enough. Not yet.
I apologised and also explained why your blade cloak statement is wrong. Dont be so sensitive man...
I'll take your word for that, and I will experiment some more with it in survivalist builds.Blade Cloak becomes ridiculously strong.
I have, and the heal is miniscule. The DoT is good though.I cant say much about Twin-Slashes being weak, did anyone test the heal on a high dmg build?
Meanwhile, I'm leaning on my destro stick, waiting for an execute
Meanwhile, I'm leaning on my destro stick, waiting for an execute
Sometimes you can find.. creative ways for executes. For example, S+B doesn't really have one, yet I use it on both bars. So when my target is low health I buff molten armaments and perform a heavy attack. I fell off my chair when I hit one for 8k (with s+b) 2 days ago. I also prep them with a puncture which enhances my damage even more.
@Yuke Combine with low slash... that will only work with one morph, forces 1h and shield and then only works if you can tag the opponents (certainly not true of all aoe).
What blade cloak does is fairly well known: 20% aoe damage reduction, and a poor melee DoT (proc rate of 1 in 3s). Morphs for a speed buff or clunky single target damage one off.
So, does it have some use - sure. Will it keep you alive through an aoe zerg bomb... probably not for very long. Does it compare favourably with the two handed utility skill - not really.
@willymchilybily Animation cancelling with wrecking blow is essentially hiding a heavy attack underneath your wrecking blow. So activate wrecking blow and then hold down a heavy attack... both will execute.