Hi Community,
Just a quick question regarding the new vet dungeons. My team consists of a Templar Healer, me a DK tank, and two stam nightblades. We roll through all content without much in the way of problems. I would say we're a bit above "average" and a leap above casual (not to use those terms in any derogatory way!), but certainly not leader-board material. (Though we did come somewhat close for bottom vDSA). However, we have certainly met our match in the new vet dungeons. No matter what we do we currently cannot progress past Ibomez (Flesh Sculptor in vICP) and it's getting discouraging. We have tried for the last week without making it past the enrage on the Flesh Atro. So, as you can imagine, not very far. We've tried stacking and burning, we've tried having one person on Atro and healer and other DD on the bombs, etc. Nothing seems to work.
Furthermore, our loot drops in the many dozen normal versions have eluded us, so our gear progression has also been non existent. It's a weird and overhwlming transition we're in.
We have not, however, attempted much in the way of vWGT. Both of the DDs want the shoulders there, of course, but it's pretty upsetting if we can't pass the second boss in vICP. In your opinions, what of the vet dungeon is the easiest? I've always felt the vICP should be.
I do see more videos and guides on vWGT than I do in vICP.
Also, how crippling for the new content would running two melee NB's? We feel this might nip us and that's pretty sad (considering a "play how you want to play" game that ESO claims to be...)
Lastly, what damage range should our DDs be hitting? I think they, on average, hit for about 10-12K. Is this too low?
Thanks guys!