Hello. I have a few questions that I have tried to google to
No avail. If anyone can answer these things for me, I would be greatly appreciative!
First thing. I have a few malachite shards, and wish to sell them. When searching in the guild store I can't find it under clothing, blacksmith, woodwork etc. I see it's listed as a raw material, and I've searched every option and just can't find them. Even when I list one, I still can not find it unless I search "all" and purple items. Is this normal/correct? If I am missing the way to search for it please let me know.
Same thing for treasure maps. What do I specifically search for in the guild store to buy those?
Lastly. I have hit veteran rank this week. I have finished all 5 countries in the AD pack, coldharbour, and am now working on the main quests. I have not done any other factions countries, or cyrodil or imperial city or crag lorn. I say all of this because I am trying to figure out where the veteran 1-10 zones are considered to be? Will this be when I do go over to stone falls with this char? I know each country is scaled to specific levels, and see crag lorn is veteran 11-14 zone. Any help with this info would be greatly appreciated.
If you wish to share info on how cyrodil works as a pve player, that would be great. I'm thinking that's my next stop unless I'm told otherwise. I like to 100% each spot before moving on, so this is why I am so specific about asking where I should go next.