We are currently investigating issues some players are having on the megaservers. We will update as new information becomes available.
We are currently investigating issues some players are having with the ESO Store and Account System. We will update as new information becomes available.
In response to the ongoing issue, the ESO Store and Account System have been taken offline for maintenance.
If you had to create a mini-PvP battleground for ESO, what would you prefer? Part Duex
Ok, now that I know not to hit enter to add another poll option, let's try this again.
If you had to create a mini-PvP battleground for ESO, what would you prefer?
Mods, I kindly request that my thread, titled "If you had to create a mini-PvP battleground for ESO, what would you prefer? Part 1" be closed down. I made an idiots move by hitting the "Enter" key before the poll was ready.
Edited by arena25 on September 20, 2015 2:48PM If you can't handle the heat...stay out of the kitchen!
If you had to create a mini-PvP battleground for ESO, what would you prefer? Part Duex 13 votes
Capture the Flag (Three alliances try to capture the flag. First one to capture the flag 3 times wins).
Modified Capture the Flag (An important objective [say, portable skyshards] spawns in the middle at the start and at set intervals. First one to capture and hold 3 wins).
1 vote
Doomsday (Each side holds a legendary artifact, which is protected by 3 walls. The first alliance to break down the other 2 alliances' walls and claim both of the opponents artifacts wins the battle).
2 votes
King of the Hill
1 vote
Don't care/Wait and See/Casual Observer
2 votes