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If you had to create a mini-PvP battleground for ESO, what would you prefer? Part Duex

Ok, now that I know not to hit enter to add another poll option, let's try this again.

If you had to create a mini-PvP battleground for ESO, what would you prefer?

Mods, I kindly request that my thread, titled "If you had to create a mini-PvP battleground for ESO, what would you prefer? Part 1" be closed down. I made an idiots move by hitting the "Enter" key before the poll was ready.
Edited by arena25 on September 20, 2015 2:48PM
If you can't handle the heat...stay out of the kitchen!

If you had to create a mini-PvP battleground for ESO, what would you prefer? Part Duex 13 votes

Capture the Flag (Three alliances try to capture the flag. First one to capture the flag 3 times wins).
SaltypretzelsMashillearena25sererti 4 votes
Modified Capture the Flag (An important objective [say, portable skyshards] spawns in the middle at the start and at set intervals. First one to capture and hold 3 wins).
elias.stormneb18_ESO 1 vote
Doomsday (Each side holds a legendary artifact, which is protected by 3 walls. The first alliance to break down the other 2 alliances' walls and claim both of the opponents artifacts wins the battle).
DigeratiTylersoh 2 votes
King of the Hill
The_SpAwN 1 vote
American Football
Other (specify below)
NewBlacksmurfSausageReznique 3 votes
Don't care/Wait and See/Casual Observer
ThymosZigoSid 2 votes
  • arena25
    Capture the Flag (Three alliances try to capture the flag. First one to capture the flag 3 times wins).
    I think Capture the Flag will work best.

    Again, mods, this poll is the correct poll. Another poll by the same name was prematurely launched because I accidentally hit the "enter" key before I was ready. Please close down the first thread and leave this thread up.
    If you can't handle the heat...stay out of the kitchen!
  • Saltypretzels
    Capture the Flag (Three alliances try to capture the flag. First one to capture the flag 3 times wins).
    Capture the flag but the "flags" are a couple of legendary deadric weapons. Teams get points based on how long they hold the weapons. Those holding the weapons cannot stealth, run faster, jump on horses, and are highlighted like when you carry a scroll. The battle lasts a set 10 minutes.

    The weapons are randomly selected for every match but there are a few different ones of every weapon type.

    You can also enter a PvP queue to be matched with a team and then auto teleport to the arena.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Other (specify below)
    Small version of Cyrodil. 3 keeps one for each faction with something drastic n crazy in the center
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Sausage
    Other (specify below)
    Something with multiplier, if you die you lose it, if you stay alive your multiplier is better. That would be quite innovative too, I dont know any game what does that anyway. Deathmatch with multiplier. If they are gonna do it, no please the old stuff.
    Edited by Sausage on September 20, 2015 3:58PM
  • Reznique
    Other (specify below)
    You want a CS bomb regime in Elsweyr mate, on because you can make a de_dust2-like location
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    I just want this.


    It has been available since Quakecon 2014
    Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on September 20, 2015 4:19PM
  • TheShadowScout
    Best option for mini-PvP...

    ...would be several options!

    Capture the flag? Sure! Have a "flag" objective (empowered welkyn stones? ancient relics? mystical spellbooks? secret plans?), and whoever first captures a set number and carries them back to base wins. (possible "ball game" modification, take the "ball" from the mid-field spawning site and score in the opponents end zone...)

    Take out the flag? Sure! Have one designated "commander" per side, and which side keeps their commander alive until the end, wins the fight. Which can be quite a difficulty, considering what shenannigans the commander may get into to avoid being taken out...

    Capture and hold? Sure! Have a map with five objectives, say, resopurce points, and whenever one is "held" by one side, they gain points, whoever gets the most points in the end (as in, holds the majority of the objectives for the most time) wins.

    King of the Mountain? Sure! Straight knock 'em out fight, last warrior(s) left standing takes the win for their side.

    Siege race? Sure! Each side has a wall to break, and whoever gets to the prize first wins. Expect some spoiling attacks to hamper the enemies siegecraft!

    Labyrinth? Sure! Navigate a labyrinth, never knowing where to go, and when you might run into one of the enemy... balancing skeaking to have a better gank-chance against running to get to the center where the win is -first-... winner is whoever first gets half their team to the center?

    And that's just the ones I get off the top of my head...
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