Endless-Shogun wrote: »Awesome Idea, but it would be Rose Online all over again lol
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »I honestly would love that to finally have my own rip off black smith shop filled with armor sets and what not. But with how many players and "merchants" and "cheap master crafters" there are in ESO every single inch of every region be filled with stores and all that yelling at players "buy my stuff its 500G, no buy mine it's 499G".
OMG. Your idea is similar. The outcome would be the same: the world would be overloaded with pre-defined tents.
And no you can't create game ideas. Not even close.
You didn't enjoyed the right education, you don't have the experience and you're absolute sure using the wrong procedures.
You're like a complete medicine-noob who is suggesting a new approach for some brain surgery.
It's even worse. You really think that your new approach of brain surgery is valid and could work.
But hey, sorry that I hurt your ego.
OMG. Your idea is similar. The outcome would be the same: the world would be overloaded with pre-defined tents.
And no you can't create game ideas. Not even close.
You didn't enjoyed the right education, you don't have the experience and you're absolute sure using the wrong procedures.
You're like a complete medicine-noob who is suggesting a new approach for some brain surgery.
It's even worse. You really think that your new approach of brain surgery is valid and could work.
But hey, sorry that I hurt your ego.
I disagree that it is similar, but I do agree with @NGP and yourself it could become crowded.
You don't really know what education I "enjoyed", whatever you mean by that. Obviously your education far surpasses my own that I can barely understand you.
Yes, suggesting basic shops in an MMO is definitely on-par with life altering brain surgery. You're right.
My ego can only be hurt by people whose opinions I respect. No harm done here, my friend
I'm old school. I'm from the generation who actually played Ultima Online.
What a childish response...
Old dude (seems we're playing the name calling game), I already confirmed it probably would. And I do not enjoy guilds, so chosen to stay out of them. My idea came from regular people in my alliance role playing as crafters in text chat, but unfortunately it soon gets flooded with "LFG LFG WTS WTB". The shop idea would allow them to role play properly in game and also be seen, because in text chat, they just aren't.No Kid, your idea would fill the world with vendors all over the place, just join a guild, its not hard.
You disagree it is similar. Wow. Wait a minute.
In my Ultima Online example I told you the world became crowed.
But you do agree that it would become crowed.
I think you're bit confused.
I have been developing multi-platform games for the last four years, and working on them as hobbies for 13 years (originally developing MUDs). Even had the pleasure of working with XF86. You should have more respect for any one who can put up with that. Suffice it to say I have a little experience in games, much to your surprise I'm assuming. Doesn't mean everyone is going to agree with my suggestions, and I can respect those who don't. It just depends on their response.I don't care what education you enjoyed, but it's certainly not related with game development. I feel it, I smell it. Am I right? Oh yes, I'm right. Don't be shy, don't lie. Tell the world you didn't.
Really? If all you're going to do is make digs at my education or lack thereof I don't see any point in continuing this "discussion".There is reason why the people in that industry went to school for years. But you can deliver the same with no such education and experience.
As quaint as the idea is, I think there should be some limitations on this idea.
First and foremost is the unlimited placement. While fine in small degrees, if every player has access to such 'tents' then world will become unbearably cluttered. Either place a limit on whom can set up a space where (for example, based on the amount of goods available) or, and this is preferred, simply dedicate a few buildings in every town as a "shop" and have them instanced to each player owned shop.
Second is mostly a quality/supply/cluster issue. But more often than not, a single player alone hardly fill up 10 slots with desirable goods. Most of the time its just white value or degraded junk that they found but don't want to sell to an NPC. Don't misunderstand, I don't want them kicked out or anything, but it will become tedious and wasteful if each player is able to set up shop without restraint (though depending on the gold prices, this may solve itself. Maybe taxes?). But even so, I am somewhat against the 'one player, one shop' idea--but only from a technical standpoint. Every shop takes up space in the server and that space is precious.
It would save a lot more space if every instanced shop had "multiple owners" if you will.
You don't have to see them or anything, but their goods should be available alongside yours in order to make the most out of each shop in order to consolidate space.
And last but not least, the implementation of gold sink. Every game needs it but it can be simple enough. A little tax or house cut that gets funneled out of the game with every item purchase.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »I honestly would love that to finally have my own rip off black smith shop filled with armor sets and what not. But with how many players and "merchants" and "cheap master crafters" there are in ESO every single inch of every region be filled with stores and all that yelling at players "buy my stuff its 500G, no buy mine it's 499G".
I was kind of hoping if someone saw an alchemy shop down the road, they might open up something different so there wasn't any confrontation, but yeah, I can see how what you explain might be an issue.. and could become rather annoying for people passing by.
To be honest, it wouldn't be any different from the crap I'm seeing in text chat
Huge difference. You can always turn off the zone chat. You can't turn off seeing a zone full of tents.
And no, there's always that guy (or gal) in every trade guild who looks at what the person above them is selling and then lists the same things for 1 gold less, because "winning." So you would see lines of the same tents selling the same thing in a system like you're proposing.
Endless-Shogun wrote: »Awesome Idea, but it would be Rose Online all over again lol