I'm usually not one to complain about anything really. For me, it has been a tactical balancing act from my end to keep up with the builds/equipment/strategy in PVP from Day 1. I love PVP. For instance, the coordination that is involved for a team to take control of a keep and to work with other same-faction groups in PVP in order to take control. I am also one for single player PVP skill and strategy. I've built my toon to the point where he can outlast, sustain, take a beating, and assist the group in any way.
Here's the gripe. I understand that the vast majority will always pick a skill that produces numbers or kills. It's refreshing when I can face someone and go at it, and the better man/woman win. From my current point of view it does not feel like there is skill involved. Is spamming a specific skill considered player skill? I'm not referring to wrecking blow, surpassed that hump (Except for those that macro, which I can't compete with). I'm referring to the zerg balls running around with proximity detonation. Is that what a person strives for on the skill line for the whole group to have and win? I mean we can make it a proximity detonation party, but that wouldn't be fun to me. Due to the nerf on nirnhoned, for me at least, hard for me to counter that with my current setup. I can take the initial hits of about 3-4, but when a full group runs it, ridiculous. Not to mention, it's spammable.. (Correct me if I am wrong)
What are your thoughts?