This new patch is crap!

The Infamously long load time is back, that's if I can even connect to the European server. And once I'm there I get kicked for spamming when I haven't sent a single message. Tell me, do you guys actually QA things before you release them?
  • Ravens-Sonata
    Constant skills dont show -- my restoration staff and lightening staff dont have the constant skill like before - I couldnt even tell I was attacking anything!!!! Animation of skills missing

    I have a V7 V1 several lower chars and all are non playable due to skill glitches

    Didnt even try to use a wayshrine or fast travel who knows what would happen

    Game crashed 3 times b4 even getting to the load screen

    Guess its back to Destiny and Skyrim

    Thanks ZoS for screwing up what potentially could have been a great game

    P.S if you're waiting for a Legit Honest answer from ZoS - Good Luck -- They are still telling us it is out modems, routers, ISP etc --

    You Can not put an update / patch on an already bugged system as it will only amplify the issues and create new ones!
  • Ratbert
    Yeah first time I have played since patch was last night. Immediately starting the game I was getting 4-5 second delays on anything I tried to do with skills or summoning horse. When I did get horse summoned he would not maintain a sprint for more than 1-2 seconds due to the lag.

    About 15 minutes in I get my first crash (dump to home screen).

    Back in more lag. Go to Deeshan to get dailies for the day another dump to home screen.

    Went through 1st dungeon ok. Second dungeon HUGE lag during boss fight and two of us disconnect back to login screen (not a game crash this time). Check out internet connections it tells us.... lol. Takes about 10 minutes and one reboot of the xbox but we finally get back in. I spawn in front of boss and get pistol whipped back to ghost form.

    Loading screens all taking 2-4 minutes rather than the 30 or so seconds they would take before. Unusually long load times appearing frequently.

    Skills/animations not showing which is pretty common I'm seeing.

    All the above was common with my entire dungeon team last night. We normally run together nightly and pre-patch we have very little issues with the occasional crash here and there during the week.

    On another note The Taken King is pretty fun :) Love ESO but will probably shelf it for a week or so and let them sort this stuff out. Good luck all!!
  • cybermeez
    There is also a glitch with guild banks. When they are opened they can only be opened once. Every attempt after that shows an empty account even tough the item count at the top of the box shows there are things in there. The only way I'm able to get back in is to go to a different city and try at the bank there. Even then it only works 10% of the time.
  • eNumbra
    Whatever else they did, Meteor use no longer desyncs my client.
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