Whats the current state of stamina sorcerer (PVP)?

Since right now many teams start bring sorcerer back to team for pve . Proves that stamina sorcerer can do well in PVE. Right now I just want to know the situation of PVP.
Cuz i like PVE with sorcerer , especially stamina build. However , i dont want to play like a switch machine to change it back to pvp when i want to go versus other players.
So , i would like to hear your comments

Many appreciations
  • Jitterbug
    i have played stam sorc almost exclusively since launch

    my biggest problem with it is the total need to run 2H because of the gap closer and the spammable damage ability. Not to mention the heal.

    I have run with Vigor, Rally, Dark Deal and Crit Surge in the same build and the two sorc skills combine for a total of 12% of my healing in PvP. Rally is without a doubt the single best heal for stam doing over 60% even with vigor on. I have a little over 100 cp.

    I have tried dual wield with boundless storm as a gap closer and while its cool its simply ineffective, I actually rolled a stam sorc to run something like @Atropos ' build but it has never been effective sadly. Never meaning since Atropos ran it back in the day.

    You can totally build for PvE and do ok damage, no problem, but in PvP its a matter of using next to no sorc skills in your setup making you wonder why you just dont reroll.

    I know people are knocking on Deltia for having 600 cp on his sorc but let me assure you that 100 is also enough to simply click crit surge and spam whirlwind. That is just almost the most boring thing I have ever done in a game. So is spamming wrecking blow.

    Bound Armaments got good, no doubt since it buffs your stamina, but is going from 20k to 22k (or whatever) worth losing two slots for?
    Dark Deal is a great idea, but unless you use it in your rotation (and lose damage) you are stuck having to spam it 5-6-7 times to regain half your stam pool. It is useful though, just not quite useful enough.
    Crit Surge is "back" meaning it actually works again. It makes a crit "leech" build viable but the healing is so low compared to Rally (in overall healing done) making it a matter of me insisting to use a sorc skill.
    Thundering Presence is pretty cool. It is. But the 4 second sprint speed compared to the almost 8 seconds of Boundless Storm make it less useful for PvP. It works great for the whirlwind spam build though.

    It's not that I can't kill other players. Or, I usually can't but that my fault, not the sorcs, it's that I only do so because of 2H and Bow skills, not because of sorc skills by any means.

    I'm not saying "BUFF ME", but the approach to stam sorcs might need to be looked at again.
  • Ezareth
    chongguang wrote: »
    Since right now many teams start bring sorcerer back to team for pve . Proves that stamina sorcerer can do well in PVE. Right now I just want to know the situation of PVP.
    Cuz i like PVE with sorcerer , especially stamina build. However , i dont want to play like a switch machine to change it back to pvp when i want to go versus other players.
    So , i would like to hear your comments

    Many appreciations

    Search for @FENGRUSH 's Tyson build. He's the best Stam Sorc I've come across in the game and in playing with him I've seen him absolutely destroy groups of people as a Stam Sorc in 2.1

    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • blur
    chongguang wrote: »
    Since right now many teams start bring sorcerer back to team for pve . Proves that stamina sorcerer can do well in PVE. Right now I just want to know the situation of PVP.
    Cuz i like PVE with sorcerer , especially stamina build. However , i dont want to play like a switch machine to change it back to pvp when i want to go versus other players.
    So , i would like to hear your comments

    Many appreciations

    Your mileage will vary based on your experience and skill level. Stamina Sorcs are very finesse based.
    I would talk to @Xael he is easily the best Stamina Sorcerer I have seen. He is a straight up BEAST and almost always soloing groups of people. Dude is on another level.
    If not him, check out Fengrush, he is really good too. Both of those dudes have very similar builds and playstyles, highly mobile and 1vX.

    Keep in mind Stamina Sorc was good in 1.6 if you knew how to play and had the right gear. It's still the case.
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Sorcs still want a stamina option ? Though ZOS made it clear that there's never gonna be a stamina sorc heance why they made there stamina morphs totally useless. Well near useless.
  • Makkir
    ^^^ Boy aren't you mistaken
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