Seems the campaigns in Cyrodiil need better balance with the new DLC. I prefer to PVE so had spent less than 1 hr in Cyrodiil prior to the DLC. I was ok to enter the PVP system to experience the IC in what I assumed would be a balanced environment. What I found was that the campaigns listed were each over-weighted to specific factions. I am in AD so tried to join a closed campaign dominated by AD as a guest, but was listed as number 209 in the que that did not move in 10 minutes. Since that was not working I reluctantly joined a EP dominated campaign. As expected EP owned the entire transit network so I was forced to run all the way from the AD HQ wayshirne to the imperial sewer entrance. I was invited to group with the only other 3 players in the AD sewer basecamp. we tried to enter IC from each ladder, using the sewer to navigate to different entry points. Each time we emerged we were met by groups of 8 - 14 VR14+ groups from EP. I played for about 2 hours mostly running from EP mobs. I only encountered 1 other AD player in those 2 hours and he was in the sewer basecamp.
My point is that a way of balancing the campaigns needs to happen or each campaign will continue to be dominated by one faction, making the game less enjoyable for everyone else.