So I come home to find the patch is done downloading and I dive in to see what changed. I was actually pleasantly surprised!
- Loading screens now fade, making for a smoother experience.
- PvP Campaigns now cater to specific elements to earn points, and some cater to them all (or so it displays, have not checked it out yet)
- More settings to customize in Options! Some of these I don't quite get yet but I'll learn them lol
- Guild Bank is now as sorted as Player Bank! This will make it easier to find stuff within the clutter!
- Bank stacking issues a thing of the past! You can now press L3 to instastack items!
Of course all good things come with bad things. However, there is only 1 thing I disagree with. I understand why it happened but it will take some getting used to: No longer pressing Square to Withdraw/Deposit Gold. Of course loading screens are also slightly longer but not nearly as bad as we feared.
These are just a few of the things I have noticed so far and I am sure I will notice more as I go but overall I just wanted to give props to Zenimax for the positive changes I have noticed so far!
Edited by UltimaJoe777 on September 17, 2015 7:25AM Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
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