DanielChapman89 wrote: »I'm pretty they fixed it. It was supposed to stop 75% of the damage not let you get away with murder whilst mist formed
DanielChapman89 wrote: »no it says control affects, not snares
While active, you are also invulnerable to control effects and healing magic.
DanielChapman89 wrote: »okay I wasn't paying attention. well as far as I'm aware, a snare isn't a control affect, it's a slow
DanielChapman89 wrote: »plus snares are bugged this patch so that's probably why it seems slower
mist form makes you immune to all control effects except roots/snares. also, if you are slowed BEFORE entering mist form, you will still be slowed. Mist form DOES NOT remove control effects, it only makes you immune to them while in mist form.
whether that is intended or not, thats how it is currently working. with ZOS who knows what is working as intended...
FireCowCommando wrote: »if you are hit by a charge attack you stop moving for a moment, this is because players who cast charge attacks used to constantly be stuck in animation for 10-20 seconds unable to do anything at all.
To fix this ZoS roots the target of the charge for a moment, its their fix as ZoS is unable to get the animation to stop glitching.
Mistform being 100% targetable at all times, players simply spam charge attacks repeatedly to prevent the vampire from being able to do anything.