frostbreeze wrote: »
frostbreeze wrote: »
WillhelmBlack wrote: »I wonder how many times I die?
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Nice video!
I have say to say though, like most PvP videos I've seen, this has almost no relationship to my reality, LOL:
1) Where are all the DC in these videos? Am I really the only one left? That could explain a lot of my problems!
2) How come in these videos it always shows the player bouncing through crowds of enemies who mostly ignore him? That NEVER happens to me.
3) At no point in the video does the player get "perma-CC'd" and is unable to break free. This always happens to me.
4) Fights that go on for 10 seconds or more! Unheard of in the ESO I play. I get gap-closed and Wrecking-Blowed in 2 seconds all the time.
5) Enemies that actually die??? Never seen them, LOL. PvP players cling to life like Fidel Castro in my game!
What would MY video look like? Solo player skulks through IC sewers grinding mobs until one of two things happens:
1) Zerg of 10-20 guys appears out of nowhere and ALL of them target me at once. I die so fast that the FTC combat log doesn't even show the attacks!
2) Sneaky ganker knocks me over and starts spamming Wrecking Blow or whatever. I try to break free, but nothing happens. I can't move or cast spells or anything. I die in like 2 seconds without even landing one blow on the enemy.
I watch videos like this and can't even believe it's the same game
Dang thought there was going to be a frost build. Good video though.
frostbreeze wrote: »