Sithisvoid wrote: »Buff Campaigns are like the homeland. When invaders come in we push them out I love the feeling of that. It's our homeland in which we farm.
really i thought the idea was to AVOID buff camps? you opened to many when the IC fillups happened now we have buff camps again, honestly gj.
Sithisvoid wrote: »Buff Campaigns are like the homeland. When invaders come in we push them out I love the feeling of that. It's our homeland in which we farm.
Bad anti-competitive mentality that is only understood by those who don't wake up every morning after a hard-fought dethrone to see the map has been washed back into one color.
Right now none of the "buff" campaigns are holding against invaders. It's simply that bad pvp'ers lose their campaign then retake when good honest hard-fighting players have to go to sleep.
Pirhana7_ESO wrote: »really i thought the idea was to AVOID buff camps? you opened to many when the IC fillups happened now we have buff camps again, honestly gj.
Yes, please tell me how they are buff campaigns now? What is the buff you are talking about? you cant have home buffs and guess on another campaign with them..... they dont even effect you in PVE zones anymore So if you have a buff from the campaign you are playing on its just a REWARD for playing there with the winning alliance