Can't believe we are still seeing bots in this game after so long. Ran into one tonight in the Black Forge.
There were two small groups of them ranging from V3-V6 and they would just go around in a circle killing all the vamps where the first point of the quest is.
The bot at the lead of this things runs ahead of the others and agros the mobs but doesn't attack, it just stands there, and then the other members of the train catches up and then starts attacking.. they are all templars and all use biting jabs and the seem to skip the enemies that have fear and snare abilities.
All of the toons involved don't have normal spelling names.. they are pretty much close to nonsense names like you commonly see in bots.
I did make an in game report.
Here is an image of what I am seeing.. I have the UI off so you cannot see names.
Far too many characters to list any more.