Keep getting dashboarded. 9/14/2015

Prox det/ bat swarm/meteor. Or even when i get dashboarded and re start the game it dashboards me again.
Xbox1 NA Ebonheart
UrTicketToValhalla: Vr14 Woodelf Nightblade (stanima) 1vX professional
LindsayLohands: Vr5 Highelf Nightblade (Magika) Still grinding
CaitlynJenner: Vr1 Highelf Sorc (Nightblade) My only female char
  • Tacticalki773r
    17 dashboards in a half hour
    Xbox1 NA Ebonheart
    UrTicketToValhalla: Vr14 Woodelf Nightblade (stanima) 1vX professional
    LindsayLohands: Vr5 Highelf Nightblade (Magika) Still grinding
    CaitlynJenner: Vr1 Highelf Sorc (Nightblade) My only female char
  • Tacticalki773r
    BTW im running digital copy on a 1 tb hard drive and eso is the only thing i have on it. I hard reset my xb1 and it still does it.
    Xbox1 NA Ebonheart
    UrTicketToValhalla: Vr14 Woodelf Nightblade (stanima) 1vX professional
    LindsayLohands: Vr5 Highelf Nightblade (Magika) Still grinding
    CaitlynJenner: Vr1 Highelf Sorc (Nightblade) My only female char
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