Indeed, all crippled Magicka Sorcs now should consider switching to a Stamina Sorc.been playing stam since IC hit, now rocking a shield breaker set and ruining peoples day
BalticBlues wrote: »Indeed, all crippled Magicka Sorcs now should consider switching to a Stamina Sorc.been playing stam since IC hit, now rocking a shield breaker set and ruining peoples day
Playing a Shield Breaker predator feels certainly better than being a Shield Breaker victim.
Magicka Sorcs, RIP.
Shields of all classes, RIP.
Total game balance, RIP.
Apart from offending people about "whining", you are also requesting people to take math lessons to find enjoyment in the game again? Sorry, but most people just want to have fun in a game, no matter if with hundreds of CPs or without any of them. Instead of requiring people to study mathematics, the devs should finally introduce some balance in the game.ESO forums get inundated with threads of people complaining and whining [...] math will provide you with the knowledge in utilizing appropriate equipment, Champion passives, skill points, etc[/url]
BalticBlues wrote: »Indeed, all crippled Magicka Sorcs now should consider switching to a Stamina Sorc.been playing stam since IC hit, now rocking a shield breaker set and ruining peoples day
Playing a Shield Breaker predator feels certainly better than being a Shield Breaker victim.
Magicka Sorcs, RIP.
Shields of all classes, RIP.
Total game balance, RIP.
This is not true, magicka sorc are just as powerful, if not more so. There are so many CP passives which augment our abilities. I seriously could write a long winded post to explain it all, but I will just direct you to this wonderful thread that a very intelligent OP had put up with math to support the skills/cp points/weapons to use and their underlying mechanics. If you have the time please peruse the post. Unfortunately ESO forums get inundated with threads of people complaining and whining, that threads like the one I'm about to link get lost with all the crap above it. I mean, to be honest sometimes I don't blame the majority of people whining, only because ZOS does not make understanding the underlying mechanics of the game easy to understand. In fact, it seems as if they try to deter one from understanding such mechanics perhaps for fear of calling them out on their blunders (which people do anyway).
Suffice it to say, understand (or glean some information) the underlying mechanics/math for this game and that will put you on top compared to anyone else who doesn't know the math. The math will provide you with the knowledge in utilizing appropriate equipment, Champion passives, skill points, etc. Of course, experience in PvP is something that you can't read or gain from math, but that's a whole different ball game.
Anway here it is for anyone who is interested:
BalticBlues wrote: »Indeed, all crippled Magicka Sorcs now should consider switching to a Stamina Sorc.been playing stam since IC hit, now rocking a shield breaker set and ruining peoples day
Playing a Shield Breaker predator feels certainly better than being a Shield Breaker victim.
Magicka Sorcs, RIP.
Shields of all classes, RIP.
Total game balance, RIP.
This is not true, magicka sorc are just as powerful, if not more so. There are so many CP passives which augment our abilities. I seriously could write a long winded post to explain it all, but I will just direct you to this wonderful thread that a very intelligent OP had put up with math to support the skills/cp points/weapons to use and their underlying mechanics. If you have the time please peruse the post. Unfortunately ESO forums get inundated with threads of people complaining and whining, that threads like the one I'm about to link get lost with all the crap above it. I mean, to be honest sometimes I don't blame the majority of people whining, only because ZOS does not make understanding the underlying mechanics of the game easy to understand. In fact, it seems as if they try to deter one from understanding such mechanics perhaps for fear of calling them out on their blunders (which people do anyway).
Suffice it to say, understand (or glean some information) the underlying mechanics/math for this game and that will put you on top compared to anyone else who doesn't know the math. The math will provide you with the knowledge in utilizing appropriate equipment, Champion passives, skill points, etc. Of course, experience in PvP is something that you can't read or gain from math, but that's a whole different ball game.
Anway here it is for anyone who is interested:
It's so refreshing to read a thread where there is no complain. Thanks Cathexis
BalticBlues wrote: »Indeed, all crippled Magicka Sorcs now should consider switching to a Stamina Sorc.been playing stam since IC hit, now rocking a shield breaker set and ruining peoples day
Playing a Shield Breaker predator feels certainly better than being a Shield Breaker victim.
Magicka Sorcs, RIP.
Shields of all classes, RIP.
Total game balance, RIP.
Anyway BalticBlues is correct the current design changes by Eric Wrobel is to force magicka sorcerers into Stamina sorcerers.
The damage is far better at being sustained, there are more options and you can wear leather armor and heavy armor for far better protection then shield stacking will ever give you.
Quite frankly if you can't see that the shield breaker set was designed to punish magicka sorcerers for being forced into using shields with irresistibly pure damage you blind to the bia ZoS has against it.
I would gladly give up the burst damage if I could keep pressure with sustained damage instead.
BalticBlues wrote: »Apart from offending people about "whining", you are also requesting people to take math lessons to find enjoyment in the game again? Sorry, but most people just want to have fun in a game, no matter if with hundreds of CPs or without any of them. Instead of requiring people to study mathematics, the devs should finally introduce some balance in the game.ESO forums get inundated with threads of people complaining and whining [...] math will provide you with the knowledge in utilizing appropriate equipment, Champion passives, skill points, etc[/url]
On consoles, former PC players with hundreds of CPs already smoke up console newbies. And now they even introduce a set that not only destroys the primary protection Magicka Sorcs have but even inverts their shields into damage magnets. Maybe V14 players can study mathematics to cope with this, but once we will see V1 freshmen without any CPs going for PVP getting toasted by Shield Breakers, this will create a toxic environment.
Do you really not know what average people say about TESO?
"Great game, but new players do not have any chance in PVP".
I know way too may people quitting ESO after they defeated Molag Bal.
Because after they are done with questing, PVP brings them more frustration than fun.
With this reputation and the constant flow of imbalances (CPs, SBs, endless cloaking)
it is getting extremely hard to bring new players into the game...
Deltia: "This [Stamina Sorcer] is probably the best build for IC":I entirely disagree that stamina is better than magicka for sorcs now.
BalticBlues wrote: »Deltia: "This [Stamina Sorcer] is probably the best build for IC":I entirely disagree that stamina is better than magicka for sorcs now.
First time since 1.4 (and I guess sort of 1.5) since I have enjoyed my stam sorc.
Things aren't perfect... Still some glaring problems...BUT they're a hell of a lot more fun than before.
GJ ZoS. Not so much because of the stam sorc changes, but more so for the general systemic changes. After extensive play, its pretty fun.
Cheers ^_^
First time since 1.4 (and I guess sort of 1.5) since I have enjoyed my stam sorc.
Things aren't perfect... Still some glaring problems...BUT they're a hell of a lot more fun than before.
GJ ZoS. Not so much because of the stam sorc changes, but more so for the general systemic changes. After extensive play, its pretty fun.
Cheers ^_^
Really? I feel the opposite. Not only do Stamina Sorcerers do less damage than we ever have, we also have less mobility do the nerf to Hasty Retreat. In fact every single damage ability we have used is doing significantly less damage. Not sure why you think this is "more fun." I suppose it's because you don't die as much as you probably did in 1.6. After all this is the "Training Wheels" meta of PvP now. That said you have more uptime feel stronger, yada yada.
We are actually worse than we have ever been. Stamina Regen passive aside...
First time since 1.4 (and I guess sort of 1.5) since I have enjoyed my stam sorc.
Things aren't perfect... Still some glaring problems...BUT they're a hell of a lot more fun than before.
GJ ZoS. Not so much because of the stam sorc changes, but more so for the general systemic changes. After extensive play, its pretty fun.
Cheers ^_^
Really? I feel the opposite. Not only do Stamina Sorcerers do less damage than we ever have, we also have less mobility do the nerf to Hasty Retreat. In fact every single damage ability we have used is doing significantly less damage. Not sure why you think this is "more fun." I suppose it's because you don't die as much as you probably did in 1.6. After all this is the "Training Wheels" meta of PvP now. That said you have more uptime feel stronger, yada yada.
We are actually worse than we have ever been. Stamina Regen passive aside...
@blur I think that the "training wheels meta" is more like they simply removed the ability to one shot and made combat more tactical. Fights between skilled players (that is skilled at using their skills and not skilled at building a character with Uber gear and highly complimentary racials or grinded a million zombies for 1000 cp) can effectively go on indefinitely, which is how it should be. Damage isn't the only factor anymore.
Also I don't think I die any more or less than I did before, my build has just shifted from a stealth snipe to active close range combat, which feels much more engaging.
I mean I know most people in 1.6 used twohand but honestly snipe builds could do the same a two hand build could withought the risk of death close range combat used to have. Now I can get up in someone's face as a tactic and not as an all in bet.
sums it up though. As I originally said, you feel stronger, more comfortable to not die. In truth though, you play the game differently now and are playing a more fun variation of the class than the boring snipe build which actually underperformed compared to the nerfed version you now play. Had you played the way myself, Xael, Leper, or Fengrush played in 1.6 (2h dmg mobility), you might actually feel differentlyNow I can get up in someone's face as a tactic and not as an all in bet.
@blur I found 2 hand builds to be slow and clunky and outgunned by any heavy armor class in 1.6
I much prefer ed the long range stealth approach, mind you I was an orc, so with 12% sprint increase stacked with leather armor stacked wit bow dodge roll I didn't even need to slot a speed increase skill. I was also putting out 10-12k base snipes before crit/stealth bonus with 28% armor pierce and 300 unrest able damage proc and camo hunter proc so it wasn't hard to kill someone with 2-3 arrows (that's not in stealth, so before stealth my snipes could hit as hard as 20k+).
I didn't find it a boring build at all, it was actually quite capable, and deadly inside keeps.
@blur I found 2 hand builds to be slow and clunky and outgunned by any heavy armor class in 1.6
I much prefer ed the long range stealth approach, mind you I was an orc, so with 12% sprint increase stacked with leather armor stacked wit bow dodge roll I didn't even need to slot a speed increase skill. I was also putting out 10-12k base snipes before crit/stealth bonus with 28% armor pierce and 300 unrest able damage proc and camo hunter proc so it wasn't hard to kill someone with 2-3 arrows (that's not in stealth, so before stealth my snipes could hit as hard as 20k+).
I didn't find it a boring build at all, it was actually quite capable, and deadly inside keeps.
Yeah 2h was very fluid for me. I found bow clunky and had 0 problems with heavy armor. I can tell right now you didn't use 2h Maul with Sharpened trait. People regardless of armor type would melt like butter as long as you had close to 3k WD. Yes dodge roll with a bow made use of the Hasty Retreat passive, however if you didn't have another movement buff you were not that mobile. This also implies you didn't use Boundless Storm which means you were very squishy and slow to boot. No offense but if you were just spamming non stealthed snipes on people and killing them, they were either terrible or oblivious to their surroundings. That or you were just perched on a ledge and picking people off as they ran through a choke. I say this because snipe is one of the easiest abilities to shut down when done out of stealth, especially in 1.6. I am not picking on you, just stating matter of fact. But hey, if you made it work for you and had fun that's cool...
BalticBlues wrote: »Apart from offending people about "whining", you are also requesting people to take math lessons to find enjoyment in the game again? Sorry, but most people just want to have fun in a game, no matter if with hundreds of CPs or without any of them. Instead of requiring people to study mathematics, the devs should finally introduce some balance in the game.ESO forums get inundated with threads of people complaining and whining [...] math will provide you with the knowledge in utilizing appropriate equipment, Champion passives, skill points, etc[/url]
With this reputation and the constant flow of imbalances (CPs, SBs, endless cloaking)
it is getting extremely hard to bring new players into the game...
Arithmetic is pointless for a combat reactive game like ESO. You might get away with this in WoW or other MMO's where you have to click on hot bars.
Quite frankly if you can't see that the shield breaker set was designed to punish magicka sorcerers for being forced into using shields with irresistibly pure damage you blind to the bia ZoS has against it.
I would gladly give up the burst damage if I could keep pressure with sustained damage instead.
This thread is about how to build a magicka sorc dps build for pvp and has absolutely nothing to do with PvP balance...
This thread is about how to build a magicka sorc dps build for pvp and has absolutely nothing to do with PvP balance...
I understand that, but I'm not claiming it's for PvP balance. Rather I use it to strengthen my argument that Magicka Sorcs are not dead. Although, with that in mind, you can extrapolate said information, and tip the "balance" in PvP in your favor.
Master_Kas wrote: »I started reading this thread with joy, since I just started a khajiit stamina sorc.
Then I read the rest.
hasty retreat nerf + dodgeroll nerf + streak/BOL nerf
BalticBlues wrote: »I know way too may people quitting ESO after they defeated Molag Bal.
Because after they are done with questing, PVP brings them more frustration than fun.
There was no one running around wrecking people with 1k CP and that being the factor to them wrecking.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »Everyone that thinks OMG stam sorc so amazing now that watched deltias video needs to understand how many champion points that guy has.
Having a metric ass ton of champion points will mask a lot of sustain and survivability issues that stamina sorc still suffers from.
There was no one running around wrecking people with 1k CP and that being the factor to them wrecking.
You have obviously never faced off against Dark Syner or Methuselah. Good players and theorycrafters but the fact they had 700+ CP when most were barely over 300 says a lot if you ever saw how deadly they were.
Also Sharpened was so broken in the last patch that it is really hard to compare and use that as a baseline for how the game should perform, and I say this as someone who has all of my mains on stamina.Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »Everyone that thinks OMG stam sorc so amazing now that watched deltias video needs to understand how many champion points that guy has.
Having a metric ass ton of champion points will mask a lot of sustain and survivability issues that stamina sorc still suffers from.
I agree in that build from Deltia is slightly disingenuous because he has over 600 CP. That is roughly 4000 resources for each attribute compared to 0 CP.