Console: Dungeon Finder

Hello all,

I had played ESO back at the beginning of July and had a lot of fun. I had to stop to take care of some personal stuff and another reason: the dungeon/ group finder (can't remember if there was another in-game term for it). For the whole 2.5 weeks I had played I was in the dungeon finder as healer/DPS solidly and I found one group, once. Has this been 'fixed'? Or acknowledged as broken? I had a look at a bunch of patch notes and hot fixes, but couldn't see anything.

To counteract the lack of groups, I had looked at the various lfg websites but they were quite poor for the EU region. I had also joined a few guilds but the ones I had joined never communicated with each other. I realise this is an option I am aware of for joining dungeon groups but I play at odd hours due to work.

Any advice on the in-game dungeon finder would be appreciated for a potentially returning player.

Thank you!
  • Rioht
    Go to the undaunted quest giver for your alliance. I've been able to fond groups.
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    It doesn't work on PC either; it never has. It is beyond the scope of their expertise to fix. Maybe if you just make a convention that everyone on console knows about, to gather in front of the dungeon or something if you want a group and shout or sing your function into your microphone and form a group that way.
    -Unknown American
  • bareheiny

    I was going to create a thread titled "WORST. GROUP FINDER. EVER" after yesterday's experience.

    I queued for Fungal Grotto (levelling version) as a healer and dps. The queue popped after about an hour or so, and I was the only one who ported to the dungeon. A few minutes later, after asking if anybody else was on mic, a group member left. After about 5 minutes I gave up as well.

    I re-queued, and after a while (maybe 10 minutes) I got put back in what was essentially the same group. I gave up at that point.

    Later that night I queued up again....nothing. I managed to get about an hour or two more of playtime with no queue popping.

    I guess I'm the only person on the NA server who's wanting to run that dungeon during the times I play. Maybe I should start treating ESO as a single player game that I have to be online for.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    this week and last week its working pretty fast on Xbox One NA server (DC levels 25 - 45)

    I haven't played my VR's this week so we will see this weekend.

    -Best use is to clear all values first, exit it and then go back and select the correct values for dungeons select "ANY" when you are solo and not grouped.
    -This week while in a dungeon with 3 ppl, we left it queued and got a 4th within 15 mins.

    I've not waited longer than 10 mins all week and that's been for 5 dungeons on different days but all at peak times 6pm EST - 10pm EST Mon - Thurs

    Only advice is use it...get others to use it and realize it works off participation...its not perfect and does have flaws and at times doesn't even seem to work but no one knows as of now if this is due to lack of use or if there are more bugs.

    -We can all agree updates and changes would be best :-)
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on September 11, 2015 7:59PM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
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