I don't know what to call this, hope this is a good place to discuss this.
I've noticed - along with the my earlier post about the longer load times (for screens) between areas - that now there is also a problem with the hints which are displaced at the bottom of each screen.
And this doesn't happen now and then, it happens on each transfer, whether between different play areas, entering or leaving an underground area like a mine, etc.
What I'm seeing is that when the transfer starts there's a playing hint, or an explanation of something, at the bottom of the screen. Let's say that the hint is about glyphs and how they work. The title displayed above the sentence is How to Use Glyphs (not how it may be worded in the game).
So, when you exit the area you were in, you're reading about glyphs, and then the screen changes. What I'm seeing is that the title of the hint carries over to the next screen, but the text doesn't. So, now I'm looking at text that talks about the area you're going into, but the title is still about glyphs.
Hope this makes sense, not easy to explain.