There are two aspects of the Champion Point system that are incredibly broken in favor of stamina users at this time. Please consider the following:
1. Magicka users have to spec into both Elemental Expert and Thaumaturge to achieve the same result as Mighty. Are you kidding right now? Magicka users have to consider "what kind of damage is this? flame? magic? Where should I allocate my champion points, should I split between the two?" Stamina users have a flat "increases physical damage" champ point and just throw everything into there like yolo.
2. People are able to reduce/negate a magicka users build with the use of THREE CHAMPION POINTS-- Elemental Defender, Hardy, and Thick skinned. However there is NO CHAMPION POINT TO SPEC INTO TO REDUCE PHYSICAL DAMAGE (is this real life????)
Anyway, that's my gripe. Willing to hear people's opinions.
There are two aspects of the Champion Point system that are incredibly broken in favor of stamina users at this time. Please consider the following:
1. Magicka users have to spec into both Elemental Expert and Thaumaturge to achieve the same result as Mighty. Are you kidding right now? Magicka users have to consider "what kind of damage is this? flame? magic? Where should I allocate my champion points, should I split between the two?" Stamina users have a flat "increases physical damage" champ point and just throw everything into there like yolo.
2. People are able to reduce/negate a magicka users build with the use of THREE CHAMPION POINTS-- Elemental Defender, Hardy, and Thick skinned. However there is NO CHAMPION POINT TO SPEC INTO TO REDUCE PHYSICAL DAMAGE (is this real life????)
Anyway, that's my gripe. Willing to hear people's opinions.
We pointed this out to Eric Wroebel in a guild TS meeting about 6 months ago. It was surprising to him at the time.
It should be noted that you can get a double reduction on some abilities like Hardy and Thick Skinned when a spell is both magic and a dot.
It should also be noted that Thaumaturge is in a Melee centric tree with all melee passives, making it even less powerful to max out as the passives are useless to casters.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Magic ≠ Elemental damage
For example Crystal Fragments is magic damage that is mitigated by Hardy, not Elemental Defender. Whereas Lava Whip is elemental damage that is mitigated by Elemental Defender, not Hardy.
That % reduction from the passive is applied on the base, before your Spell Resistance is taken into account.
That said, magic/elemental DoTs can be mitigated a bit too much. In a hypothetical scenario where you have all CPs you can stack Elemental Defender with Thick Skinned and magicka DoTs from skills like Elemental Ring or Burning Embers can barely even tickle.
However, I don't (at the moment) mind if magic hits a bit softer than physical. There is more utility and diversity provided from playing magicka builds so something has to be the counter-balance to that.
There are two aspects of the Champion Point system that are incredibly broken in favor of stamina users at this time. Please consider the following:
1. Magicka users have to spec into both Elemental Expert and Thaumaturge to achieve the same result as Mighty. Are you kidding right now? Magicka users have to consider "what kind of damage is this? flame? magic? Where should I allocate my champion points, should I split between the two?" Stamina users have a flat "increases physical damage" champ point and just throw everything into there like yolo.
2. People are able to reduce/negate a magicka users build with the use of THREE CHAMPION POINTS-- Elemental Defender, Hardy, and Thick skinned. However there is NO CHAMPION POINT TO SPEC INTO TO REDUCE PHYSICAL DAMAGE (is this real life????)
Anyway, that's my gripe. Willing to hear people's opinions.
We pointed this out to Eric Wroebel in a guild TS meeting about 6 months ago. It was surprising to him at the time.
It should be noted that you can get a double reduction on some abilities like Hardy and Thick Skinned when a spell is both magic and a dot.
It should also be noted that Thaumaturge is in a Melee centric tree with all melee passives, making it even less powerful to max out as the passives are useless to casters.
There are two aspects of the Champion Point system that are incredibly broken in favor of stamina users at this time. Please consider the following:
1. Magicka users have to spec into both Elemental Expert and Thaumaturge to achieve the same result as Mighty. Are you kidding right now? Magicka users have to consider "what kind of damage is this? flame? magic? Where should I allocate my champion points, should I split between the two?" Stamina users have a flat "increases physical damage" champ point and just throw everything into there like yolo.
2. People are able to reduce/negate a magicka users build with the use of THREE CHAMPION POINTS-- Elemental Defender, Hardy, and Thick skinned. However there is NO CHAMPION POINT TO SPEC INTO TO REDUCE PHYSICAL DAMAGE (is this real life????)
Anyway, that's my gripe. Willing to hear people's opinions.
We pointed this out to Eric Wroebel in a guild TS meeting about 6 months ago. It was surprising to him at the time.
It should be noted that you can get a double reduction on some abilities like Hardy and Thick Skinned when a spell is both magic and a dot.
It should also be noted that Thaumaturge is in a Melee centric tree with all melee passives, making it even less powerful to max out as the passives are useless to casters.
I never even thought about this and now I can't even.
Who designed this?! This was brought up to people six months ago ?!
Also should be noted, you can increase the armor of your armor of choice to help mitigate physical dmg.
Combine with dodge skills can be a viable defense.
Hi, Stamina Nightblade here.
~30% of my DPS relies on Thaumaturge (Poison Injection, Relentless Focus, Killer's Blade), 70% on Mighty
My Execute Skill Killer's Blade also scales with Elfborn instead of Precise Strikes
I use DW and Bow, which means I have to spec into Heavy Weapon Expert AND Bow Expert
There is also no Physical Damage Ultimate, meaning all Ultimates are by default stronger on Magicka classes.
You see OP, grass is always greener on the other side.
Doesn't make his point any less valid.
Yah it's not as one sided as it seems as jeckll pointed out, and with the general increase to physical resistance coupled with the fixing of mace and sharpened stam users are probably where they need to be. I've also been whipped for 8k as a non-vamp in cyrodil, so I cannot in good conscience lament for the cp trees. Mighty does not benefit everything that I want it to, but in order to maximize that tree line, I gave up the bow for now until I can fully spec into pretty much the entire tree. Really the truest winners in the cp designs are DK's who have a dedicated power branch, then the highest potential off the heavy/light stave attacks with molten armaments, so hopefully DK's will get a big nerf in the future
Hi, Stamina Nightblade here.
~30% of my DPS relies on Thaumaturge (Poison Injection, Relentless Focus, Killer's Blade), 70% on Mighty
My Execute Skill Killer's Blade also scales with Elfborn instead of Precise Strikes
I use DW and Bow, which means I have to spec into Heavy Weapon Expert AND Bow Expert
There is also no Physical Damage Ultimate, meaning all Ultimates are by default stronger on Magicka classes.
You see OP, grass is always greener on the other side.
AhPook_Is_Here wrote: »There are two aspects of the Champion Point system that are incredibly broken in favor of stamina users at this time. Please consider the following:
1. Magicka users have to spec into both Elemental Expert and Thaumaturge to achieve the same result as Mighty. Are you kidding right now? Magicka users have to consider "what kind of damage is this? flame? magic? Where should I allocate my champion points, should I split between the two?" Stamina users have a flat "increases physical damage" champ point and just throw everything into there like yolo.
2. People are able to reduce/negate a magicka users build with the use of THREE CHAMPION POINTS-- Elemental Defender, Hardy, and Thick skinned. However there is NO CHAMPION POINT TO SPEC INTO TO REDUCE PHYSICAL DAMAGE (is this real life????)
Anyway, that's my gripe. Willing to hear people's opinions.
We pointed this out to Eric Wroebel in a guild TS meeting about 6 months ago. It was surprising to him at the time.
It should be noted that you can get a double reduction on some abilities like Hardy and Thick Skinned when a spell is both magic and a dot.
It should also be noted that Thaumaturge is in a Melee centric tree with all melee passives, making it even less powerful to max out as the passives are useless to casters.
That's not totally true, the off-balance 10% damage bonus works fine for magicka NBs but it is so awkward spending a lot of points in that tree for 10% bonus damage on a few attacks without at least dumping 30 in the magicka damage tree. for anything other than burst PVP dps, you lose a ton more damage on crit damage multipliers and self-healing. Still that 10% feels good in clouding swarm spamming concealed weapon.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »So what your saying is want stamina users to be thrown under the bus again cause if I recall 2.1 pretty much did that already giving massive boost to magical users and throwing stamina users under the bus .... it was a short lived life.
How you can say it's not magicka specific is beyond me. The proof is clearly in screenshots above you. These things are not equal. Magicka users are able to stack less damage (or use more CP to achieve the same effect). They also nullify less damage against their stamina counterparts. Sure there is reinforced and nirn but the two scale similarly now so it's a moot point. Are you honestly not able to see that my 100 points into elemental expert is negated by 100 points into elemental defender?
I do 25% more damage with fire and yet you take 25% less damage with fire.
You do 25% more damage with physical and I have nothing in CP that can counter that. GG
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »So what your saying is want stamina users to be thrown under the bus again cause if I recall 2.1 pretty much did that already giving massive boost to magical users and throwing stamina users under the bus .... it was a short lived life.
There was no "massive boost" to magicka. It's called stamina users used broken things like sharpened maces and nirnhoned armor (35k+ spell resist) in conjuncture with this champion point system to entirely negate magicka users. That is why stam reigned supreme. In 1.6 I used to see whips hit for 800. So it's less an issue of you got nerfed and more an issue of the game got fixed.
Using a non-stamina hybrid build does not really make a case. I can't think of the last time I've seen someone using killer blade in PvP and since it is a spell using Elfborn makes sense. I can't imagine Relentless Focus is a staple DPS even with the buff.
Unless you're rocking over 600 points there is no real point in putting points into Bow Expert.
How you can say it's not magicka specific is beyond me.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »So what your saying is want stamina users to be thrown under the bus again cause if I recall 2.1 pretty much did that already giving massive boost to magical users and throwing stamina users under the bus .... it was a short lived life.
There was no "massive boost" to magicka. It's called stamina users used broken things like sharpened maces and nirnhoned armor (35k+ spell resist) in conjuncture with this champion point system to entirely negate magicka users. That is why stam reigned supreme. In 1.6 I used to see whips hit for 800. So it's less an issue of you got nerfed and more an issue of the game got fixed.
800 damage whips was not a result of Nirnhoned and Sharpened maces didn't help against shield stacking sorcs or NBs running healing ward.
Using a non-stamina hybrid build does not really make a case. I can't think of the last time I've seen someone using killer blade in PvP and since it is a spell using Elfborn makes sense. I can't imagine Relentless Focus is a staple DPS even with the buff.
Unless you're rocking over 600 points there is no real point in putting points into Bow Expert.
Your Imagination doesnt go very far, then. Using a Master's bow to apply Poison Injection for a strong Weapon Damage buff is a staple tactic in any Stamina based PvE Build. That's also where Relentless Focus is a Standard Skill.
I dont spend points in Bow Expert OR Heavy Weapon Expert. But it's 300 CP more to spend compared to Magicka based DPS that only use LA/MA/HA with Staves. You clearly only look at a PvP perspective. In PvE, things are a bit different.
How you can say it's not magicka specific is beyond me.
1) I showed you examples from a Stamina PoV
2) I showed you Magicka DK
I didnt say Magicka doesnt have that issue, I said Stamina also have issues with the CP System.
You are right there are imbalances, but you cant just look at one pillar of balance. In the grand scheme of things, without the Mitigation we get from the Lady vs "Magic based" stuff, a Crystal Frag would probably 1hit most players. With the fix of Nirn, Magicka based DPS already hits way harder than ion Update 6.
Yes it looks unfair you are right...but just changing it doesnt mean it's automatically balanced afterwards.
Sure, crystal frags hits hard af. If thats the case, then fix crystal frags to bring it more in line with other skills.
It's insane to gimp ALL magicka users bc of this logic. It doesn't just LOOK unfair it IS unfair. The champion point system gives stam users a plethora of mitigation to our damage and does not us the same courtesy. It's that simple.