Save up your money until you can get the gaming I5, 16gb ram, 250gb ssd and an AMD R290-300 or a Geforce 970 GTX. It will give you greater system longevity as well.
Spottswoode wrote: »I'll concur that you should shoot for an i5 and higher wattage PSU. I'm thinking about adding an i7 to my current build.Save up your money until you can get the gaming I5, 16gb ram, 250gb ssd and an AMD R290-300 or a Geforce 970 GTX. It will give you greater system longevity as well.
You don't need 16 gb ram. 8 is enough. (Heck, 6 is enough.) Unless you are doing heavy CAD work, you'll never need that much RAM for gaming. I do, however, agree on the SSD. The graphics card will start the AMD/Nvidia war though.
You have a pretty good idea. If your planning to upgrade the processor later your build is fine for now.