Hi everyone,
At the moment I'm having a lot of fun playing the game, however I feel like i'm dying a bit too much, I'm a VR2 imperial nightblade on PS4, i'm stamina build and use DW and Bow. I play with 2 friends (DK that uses sword + shield and resto, and a sorcerer who uses destro and resto, both VR4). We're playing some dungeons together and I'm questing in Cadwill Silver area solo.
For a long time I want to make the switch from Stamina to magicka build. When we play dungeons we feel like we lack heal power (only 2 half healers for a 3 man group doesn't feel enough sometimes). I switched a few days ago to 2H and bow to tryout Rally, close to getting it. Also I read IC patch notes and it seems like Vigor might be a really good option as well.
What do you guys think, would switching to magicka be helpful when it comes to survivabilty in dungeons and questing? Or is Vigor or Rally and the upgrade of bow in the IC patch enough for me to stay stamina and survive more? Next to that would my damage go really down when I make the switch, keep in mind i'm imperial so I don't get any racials for Magicka.
Thanks for your time, have a good day!