NB imperial looking for advise

Hi everyone,

At the moment I'm having a lot of fun playing the game, however I feel like i'm dying a bit too much, I'm a VR2 imperial nightblade on PS4, i'm stamina build and use DW and Bow. I play with 2 friends (DK that uses sword + shield and resto, and a sorcerer who uses destro and resto, both VR4). We're playing some dungeons together and I'm questing in Cadwill Silver area solo.

For a long time I want to make the switch from Stamina to magicka build. When we play dungeons we feel like we lack heal power (only 2 half healers for a 3 man group doesn't feel enough sometimes). I switched a few days ago to 2H and bow to tryout Rally, close to getting it. Also I read IC patch notes and it seems like Vigor might be a really good option as well.

What do you guys think, would switching to magicka be helpful when it comes to survivabilty in dungeons and questing? Or is Vigor or Rally and the upgrade of bow in the IC patch enough for me to stay stamina and survive more? Next to that would my damage go really down when I make the switch, keep in mind i'm imperial so I don't get any racials for Magicka.

Thanks for your time, have a good day!
  • willymchilybily
    @kevinstriker123 the problem seems the classes are trying to fill multiple roles, tank needs to self heal with resto, your magicka DD sorc also uses healing staff to heal. And now you are also looking to change because you need more heals.

    You would be better off having one person be a dedicated healer, and preferably someone magicka based, allowing you guys to focus on what you are set up to do. Have you tried finding a 4th man to heal you. it would work out a lot better for you

    if your tank didn't need to switch to a resto staff he could keep his shield bar up so he doesnt take as much damage and focus on heavy armour instead of needing some magicka pool for healing, and his heavy attacks would restore stamina for blocking.

    Your Sorc could do pure damage not healing giving a dps loss (meaning the tank has to fight for longer you all do) Id say you would probably in a worse position if you also switched, the further loss of dps would not be made up for by more healing. your class is fine to run magicka on because you will have a nice buff to your other resource pools, but it wont help your cause. unless one of your guys stays as a dedicated damage dealer you or the sorc, whoever is better at it i guess.

    are you struggling with bosses or trash mobs more?
    Edited by willymchilybily on September 7, 2015 1:51PM
    PSN - WarpPigeon - Guild: TheSyndicate - EU, Ebonheart Pact
    Dragon Knight [Magicka] - 720 - Stormproof
    Night Blade [Magicka] - 720 - Stormproof
    Sorcerer [Magicka] - 720 - Flawless Conqueror
    Templar [Magicka] - 720 - Stormproof
    Dragon Knight [Stamina] - 720 - Stormproof
    Night Blade [Stamina] - 720 - Stormproof
    Sorcerer [Stamina] - 720
  • kevinstriker123
    @willymchilybily thanks a lot for your reply! Appreciate it!

    Solo and also in a group, I'm mostly having trouble with bosses. especially when their damage spikes and my friends are too late to switch.

    I totally agree with you that a dedicated healer is the solution, however my friends are really having a lot of fun playing the way theydo atm. So finding a dedicated healer is certainly what we're looking for, but till then, what would you think is the best for now:

    1) Stamina DW / Bow with vigor
    2) Stamina 2H / Bow with Rally (or Vigor)
    3) Magicka with DW / Resto

  • willymchilybily
    @willymchilybily thanks a lot for your reply! Appreciate it!

    Solo and also in a group, I'm mostly having trouble with bosses. especially when their damage spikes and my friends are too late to switch.

    I totally agree with you that a dedicated healer is the solution, however my friends are really having a lot of fun playing the way theydo atm. So finding a dedicated healer is certainly what we're looking for, but till then, what would you think is the best for now:

    1) Stamina DW / Bow with vigor
    2) Stamina 2H / Bow with Rally (or Vigor)
    3) Magicka with DW / Resto


    There are too many variables to give definitive answers,

    Edit: change of mind to keep it simple if you are on console you should try magicka, if you haven't tried it yet it can be very nice. Though suggest destro staff and resto staff not DW. And look at some build advice from others. There are lots of nice builds and theory crafting out there better advice than I could give.

    Vigorous is nice but if you don't have it yet I wouldn't grind for it in PVP unless you are close, it is easier to get when 1.7 is live next week for console or already on pc
    Edited by willymchilybily on September 7, 2015 6:01PM
    PSN - WarpPigeon - Guild: TheSyndicate - EU, Ebonheart Pact
    Dragon Knight [Magicka] - 720 - Stormproof
    Night Blade [Magicka] - 720 - Stormproof
    Sorcerer [Magicka] - 720 - Flawless Conqueror
    Templar [Magicka] - 720 - Stormproof
    Dragon Knight [Stamina] - 720 - Stormproof
    Night Blade [Stamina] - 720 - Stormproof
    Sorcerer [Stamina] - 720
  • Kajimano_ESO
    Use reaper's mark for self healing
  • Kajimano_ESO
    Have them try out a tag team healing method for bosses, so while one is doing dps the other is casting heals most of the time, because if they are only healing when it is needed then they are leaving themselves vulnerable during heavy damage periods from the boss
  • kevinstriker123
    Okay thanks all going to tryout magicka before 1.7 drops!
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