So I'm a crafting nerd...I search for materials & deconstruct for glyphs, armours, weapons, (in the past) potions...I'm a Pve crafting kind of guy.
No groups, no guilds, never traded, just like to increase the crafting & stock pile of materials as part of my adventuring.
(As an aside I've never seen anything nirncrux/nirnhoned.)
My question is post VR14 what happens to all the materials I have that are presently crafting VR9-14 or in glyphs VR10-14?
Do any of these level up?
With the 2 new armour offerings I read about in IC are all VR14 materials/stones etc then redundant to build any VR15-16 gear or glyphs etc?
I'm not complaining, but I've a bundle of stuff accumulated to use later, and perhaps it's all useless for VR15+ crafting?
I've searched for this answer, and although I was Mac pre-order, I've only ever played Xbox so I'm still waiting for IC access.
II Swindy II
Australian on Xbox NA (ex EU)