Was I the only one hoping that after finishing the above quest, mentioned in the title, that we would unlock a harpy as a pet?
I know they can't have that many unlocks to the game otherwise they may set themselves up for less options for purchaseable items on the store later on down the road, but still as far as vanity pets go there is only one you can unlock in-game. The one being from completing the quest "The Mystery of Razak" if you didn't already know.
That being said the other collections have a handful of things you can unlock in there without purchasing from the crown store. So in comparison Pets are lack.
It's not that I want to be handed anything for free. I know pets are a purchaseable, and if I want one, buy it.
Maybe it's just me, but it helps immerse me in the game when I get a reward that has something to do with what I've done. Like taking on the curse that gave you the Skeleton polymorph says you've done this quests. I had hoped that from certain quests that we would be rewarded certain things that show that we've done this one thing.
Like from the "Feathered Fiends" where you kinda make friends with the harpies, and then you obtain a pet harpy. There are other quests that involve animals and this topic doesn't apply to just this one quest.
TL;DR Was I the only who was hoping or had hoped that when you did certain quests you unlocked a pet related to that quest?