In the 2.1.2 PTS Patch Notes, ZOS said:
* We've refined the Traits that can appear on item sets found in the Treasure Vaults. These items will only appear with specific traits based on their equipment type.
Weapons will have the following traits:
Shields will have the following traits:
A couple things:
1) I don't recall seeing this in the 2.1.4 Live Patch Notes. Is this a legit change that went in? If it didn't make it into live, why not?
2) Yesterday, I spent 6000 stones on a TV Lockbox and got a Black Rose item with Well-Fitted. WELL-FITTED. Now, I know that TV lockboxes are not the same as Treasure Vault boxes because I can read, BUT - how confusing is this?
Everything, drops from mobs, and stuff you get from lockboxes, still has a chance of a crappy trait that no one wants. The only way to make sure you have a decent chance of a good trait is to get a piece from a Treasure Vault. I think that the Lockbox items, which you have to spend a heck of a lot of stones to get, should also fall under this Treasure Vault rule. (Of course, I think they should just stop dropping things with useless traits full-stop, but that'll never happen.) I'm guessing that ZOS made the Treasure Vault items have good traits because players were annoyed that they finally got 60 trophies, opened a chest, and got something useless. And I'm glad they made that change! But I finally got 6k stones and V16, opened a box, and got something useless. I've definitely got at least 60 trophies of varying type, so if I trade around, I could open a Treasure Vault chest for the same amount of gameplay, the same effort, and get something worthwhile. So my effort is the same, but one currency gives me something someone will use, and once currency gives me something I can decon. Would be nice to see some parity between currencies for my effort.
This decision, to make SOME lootables only have "good" traits, while the rest don't is way too close for comfort to the muddied reasoning behind dropped monster trophies now being bound to character instead of tradeable between characters because it was "causing confusion" amongst players. (And believe me, I am /feedbacking the heck out of that change.)
How in the heck is this not going to "cause confusion" amongst players? Are there actual, sound reasons for this, beyond just wanting us all to keep on grinding?
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