Animation Canceling after IC patch

Now is it only me or ppl who are used to animation cancel noticed this too ? What I'm experiencing is a drawback in animation canceling resulting in a failed chained canceling. Single skill canceling still works perfectly, in fact I think it works even better, however if I try to chain them up the second skill wont cancel its animation regardless of a method used to cancel it. For example I used to cast Harness and cancel it then cast Hardened and cancel it too, so if I did it really fast I was able to put them two wards on me in a time of 1 second. Now no matter how fast I do it or what method I use, the second ward wont cancel its animation and sometimes it wont even cast it at all. This applies to most of skills and gets worse while I'm engaged in combat and moving a lot.
  • Cinbri
    Hope this is intended.
  • Lefty_Lucy
    I've not experienced any failed cancels. Maybe slow down just a tad and then work your way back to your normal speed. There has been a few changes to animations so the timing may be slightly different, but you can still breeze through animations in this update.
    Competetive small scale PvP'er.
    GM of Afterburner - DC small scale PvP guild

  • Igglez
    Excellent news.
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