I think I will post this here as the original thread was focused specificly on damage reduction, while I have to say few things in general:
It seems new damage reduction works well for the IC, however its really REALY horrible for the campaigns - i suggest two separate battle spirits: one for IC and one for Cyrodiil (with reverted damage reduction to previous value) - everything feels sleepy and you dont get anywhere, sieges take way too long - this destroys/cripples any tactics like taggs and 50/50s -and balistas do 0 damage to players, which makes them useless in group fights as you can calmly purge 5 seconds later without even damaging your health - in groups with dedicated healers that purge as soon as balista hit this makes balistas soo not worthy even buying I cant even find words to describe it. - Only viable way right now is to get a huge lagtrain of players and just swarm the keep. And I really hate this playstyle and I imagine most ppl do - it is neither challenging nor fun. When it takes full day (due to lower pop then opposite faction and with fast unexpected sieges not possible anymore) to recapture 3 home keeps, even tough previously it was an action-packed and fun experiece that happened in half an hour, followed by defense and 1000 fun battles afterwards - well thats a sign that recent changes werent for the better. Most people already left which is really a shame as I considered it the most fun and balanced campaign of them all - as many did.
Another change that buggs me as hell is the new point system. Why is one resource worth the same as a scroll? That gives people 0 intesive to actually go and try to get the scroll, which previously resoulted in INTENSE and FUN battles, as instead u can just split ur group and go cap 2 enemy resources just before the score evaluation - actually that gives you even MORE points while providing ZERO Fun and ZERO chalange!!!
Just a suggestion: resource 1p, keep 3p, scroll 6 points will make much more sense.
The changes you made to diversify tactics in PvP, just actually reduced viable ways of getting points to one per campaign (only keeps, only scrolls, or the worst of the all, the majestic "All 1 point" in BwB - look at how hard it is to capture a resource then how hard it is to get a scroll - the notion of them being worth equall amout of points is laughable - when before you could either steal the scroll and hold it for as long as you could, or push for thir keeps.
Thing is Cyro in BwB was actually fun and active and recent changes just destroyed it - and Im not exagurating.
I not a person that thrives at raging on the forums and my intent is not to criticize but to alert you that changes must be made - I appreciate you experimenting with new rules and damage reductions, but the thing is they r clearly not working and are actually ruining the campaigns.I am not nearly alone in this tought - all regulars, ppl really dedicated to this campaign - are leaving in search of any campaign that might be better - but cant find ANY.. the community on BwB was really amazing and all 3 alliances were pretty balanced and active + vet campaigns are not the most friendly place to lvl 10 that joined this campaign in order to learn PvP and to think you should be v14 ( now v16) before you can even be competitive in PvP (there is no normal vet campaign anyway, but even if there was) its just sad, given that previous to changes this was a thriving community - Its really depressing to see all this crumble away so plys PLYS change it ASAP!!
@ZOS_GinaBruno ,
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,
@ZOS_BrianWheeler ,