I'm looking for a guild. I'm still pretty new to ESO. I'm a level 27 Breton Templar. I'm a mix breed between Healing and DPS. I am currently a Vampire, but I do not have my Vampire leveled enough to give bites yet. I'm not particularly crazy about PvP. I typically play alone or with a buddy of mine in real life. My job schedule has it so that I typically only have time to play on weekends. I try to log on everyday to research traits, horse skills, etc but I don't do much other than that during the week.
I am interested in the idea of joining a "Thieves Guild" where some of the more accomplished members could show some of their runs and things of that nature. I have been working on crafting/provisioning so my only gold income is from quests, pvp, dead bodies, chests, and my stolen items. I run PvP on occasion, but mostly spend time in PvE environments.
Please drop your pitches/links to your guild recruitment posts below. I currently only have one guild spot available, but I could make room if I see more potential than I currently have for my enjoyment of the game.
Edit: Forgot to mention I play in DC.
Edited by BucFanJKE on September 3, 2015 3:25PM