So.....I've been putting this off - feels like a singles club - but I'm looking for a DC pve/pvp guild and browsing websites and the guildindexes hasn't seemed to show me what I'm looking for.
I've been playing for about 4 months. I run an orc NB vet 1 - and love him. Up to now solo Pve has done the trick but since I hit v1 I'd like to start doing group pve and pvp...and I need to find a guild who'd like me to do it with them.
The thing is, I have serious RL commitments and RL pressures (bills to pay and mouths to feed) - so I'm not what you'd call a committed player by any stretch of the imagination. My gaming time is varied and unpredictable, so I won't be a regular attendee of group events- get married, have a couple of kids and you'll know where I'm coming from. And I don't use teamspeak -long story short, I don't live alone. So, if you need a
committed, skilled, regular player for your guild, I'm definitely
NOT for you.
On the plus side, I'm pretty undaunted even after a 9-5 job and am easy to get along with in group chat (at least I like to think I am).... I understand the basic game mechanics much better than I did and if I go on a group delve I won't be getting everybody else killed, my toon even puts out fairly decent damage these days.
So to cut to the money shot/situation vacant, I'm looking for a pve/pvp EU DC guild, which is relaxed and has a sizable number of vet players who won't mind an irregular player like myself, dropping into guild chat and tagging along on a silver daily or trial or pvp trip.
(I forgot to say, I'm awful at pvp - took a turn at it at non-vet before I turned 50 and got completely wrecked- but we live and learn).
I guess that's it. I've only got 2 guild spots free (I am in 2 trade guilds and another guild from AD I don't want to drop). I don't know how many offers I'll get but if you think I'd fit into your guild can you message me in game, or drop a respone here and not just send an invite?