1) With 1.6 Bolt Escape you would maintain forward momentum after the ability completed. In 1.7 it's like you hit an invisible wall, then slowly drop to the ground, effectively crippling the mobility of this ability. This needs to be fixed please.
2) In 1.5 you could Bolt Escape in the direction your camera was looking. In 1.6/1.7 you can only Bolt Escape in the direction the character is facing, almost certainly because this was more pleasing to console devs. With the prevalence of roots in the IC, and the inability to actually change the direction of your character while rooted, it is impossible to control which direction you will Bolt Escape in. This issue is also crippling this ability, and many others. Even if you go into first person and rotate your view, it does not actually change the direction your character is facing, and you will still Bolt Escape in the wrong direction!
3) Trapping webs is almost impossible to see in the sewers, and extremely hard to see in the overworld. That and it will often not show any projectile at all (many other abilities do this in 1.7 including ranged light attacks), which brings me to my next observation.
4) FPS in 1.7 is absolutely terrible. Many have attributed this to addons. While this may be partially true, the performance of the LUA API itself is terrible in 1.7. This is not the fault of the Addon Devs, although I will admit that some of their code is less than optimal.
If you have found any other quirky behavior with your abilities, please post it here in hopes that it will be seen and corrected.
Edited by Xeven on September 2, 2015 7:39PM