My experience so far (not been in IC yet, because not bothered) after doing some V15 pledges:
-Stutter / fps drops: Map addons seem to cause fps drops / stutter after some time. I am no lua scripter, but either the garbage collector does not work as intended or the data load sky rocketed with patch 1.7
-long loading screens: see stutter / fps drops
-Interface scaling does not work correctly. Now I have a 28'' display on WQHD that is cluttered by UI / Addon boxes, because you will lose the setting for interface scaling each time you relog again.
-You are able to get the crafted materials from V15/V16 drops in PvE dungeons - even in "old" PvE dungeons. As this is great, the numbers you need to craft an item is not so...
-Many "older" sets got ability stat and spell and weapon damage nerfs, nice phrase to call that "to bring in line"
-V15 and V16 bosses and trash have major damage outputs now, while having - besides a low health increase - their armor and resistances increased quite a lot.
-because of the former one fights last longer now, so no eluding of mechanics by just burning them down. On the other side even our Nightblade Tank struggles for stamina now when fights last longer now. While I like the former one (the game needed some more difficulty badly) I need to watch the later one.
Sometimes the prey turns and nips us... it's a small thing.
So let the snow flakes and unicorns dance alone until they melt or vanish from existence, we will finish up with those smart enough to stay in the glowing circle of love.
Selissi - CP 1k+ Redguard Stamina Nightblade (Ebonheart Pact)
Silmerel - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Templar (Ebonheart Pact)
Sunja - CP 1k+ Dunmer Magicka Nightblade (Ebonheart Pact)
Suldreni - CP 1k+ Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight (Ebonheart Pact)
Sulhelka - CP 1k+ Altmer Magicka Sorcerer (Ebonheart Pact)
Sylundine - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Warden (Ebonheart Pact)