The stupidity of unassigning everyone from their campaign...

...and not clearing the timer for changing campaign.

I changed my campaign to Haderus sunday night (and invoked the 3 day cooldown). Come monday after work, I have no campaigns assigned and am locked out changing my guest and home campaign for a couple of days.

Can't even get to PvP anywhere, much less IC
  • Ezareth
    Ouch, that is rough.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Cinnamon_Spider
    You might still be able to group with some friends and then port in on the group queue. You can't just travel to people, but this still seems to work.
    Cinn #SorcLivesMatter
    Exquisite Bedlam - Sorcerer AD rank 34
    Cinnamonspiderdreams - Sorcerer EP rank 24
    Synaris Astarte - Templar DC rank 24
    Cinnamon Spider - Nightblade AD

    Youtube - Cinnamon_Spider
  • Ishammael
    Yeah this happened to me. Thankfully I only had to wait a couple hrs which I used to fuss with gear.
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