New Items Available in the Crown Store – 9/1 (PC/Mac)

Attention, PC/Mac players! The ESOTU Crown Store has been updated with our newest offerings. The Imperial City DLC game pack isn't the only new thing available this week for PC/Mac players.


Get your hands on the Mind-Shriven Horse (mount), the Daedrat (pet), and the Soul-Shriven (costume pack). These items will be available in the Xbox One Crown Store on September 15 and the PlayStation 4 Crown Store on September 16.
Jason Leavey
Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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Staff Post
  • SirAndy
    Attention, PC/Mac players! The ESOTU Crown Store has been updated ...
    I'd rather see you guys fix bugs.
    I'm not unreasonable either, just the top 100 from the list (sorted by importance) will do...
    Edited by SirAndy on September 1, 2015 6:07PM
  • danew6
    That titles misleading, it should be updated to say just for pc/Mac.

    On a side note I really hope the consol patch isn't as buggy as the pc one seems to be from all the posts on the forum. And as someone with no interest at all in the stupid changes your making slash limited new content I hope you push this update back until the kinks are worked out.
    Play on PS4 I do like the game, I just feel it could be a lot better and would like to feel like the devolpers actually care about the game and not just making money
  • Paazhahdrimaak
    Whhaaaaat? Oh still gotta wait. I wish we all could get the crown store at the same time.
  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    Great callout, @danew6. It's now been updated.
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • Altyrann
    Attention, PC/Mac players! The ESOTU Crown Store has been updated with our newest offerings. The Imperial City DLC game pack isn't the only new thing available this week for PC/Mac players.


    Get your hands on the Mind-Shriven Horse (mount), the Daedrat (pet), and the Soul-Shriven (costume pack). These items will be available in the Xbox One Crown Store on September 15 and the PlayStation 4 Crown Store on September 16.

    Are these permanent additions to the store or only there for a limited time?
  • Wakkoo
    Why are most costume packs so increadibly dull? They just look like regular armor pieces you'd find in the world, nothing really special about them at all. I was expecting more unique and new 3d models for costumes in different styles. Like that woman standing in the middle of the picture there, it just looks like a real noobie leather armor of some sort. Why would anyone want to spend money on something like that? O.o

    Come on Zinemax, I was expecting more effort being put into the costumes.. Make me something COOL and AWESOME that I actually want to spend my hard earned cash on. Give me some 3d models that cant be found in the game as loot for once!
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