Mannix1958 wrote: »I think it would be sweet to add a Jeweler crafting class. The ability to upgrade items(rings & neck pieces) as with armor. The ability to craft 3 piece sets & such.
Mannix1958 wrote: »I think it would be sweet to add a Jeweler crafting class. The ability to upgrade items(rings & neck pieces) as with armor. The ability to craft 3 piece sets & such.
Mannix1958 wrote: »I think it would be sweet to add a Jeweler crafting class. The ability to upgrade items(rings & neck pieces) as with armor. The ability to craft 3 piece sets & such.
If I remember correctly, they had a jewelry crafting profession in beta. Not sure why it was taken out, assuming it was there to begin with.
TheShadowScout wrote: »The thing with jeweler is... not too much to craft there at this time. Just rings and amulets. Two pieces to research? Not really seems worth the trouble of coding the stuff, does it? Not when blacksmith and clothier have fourteen, and woodworking still has six...
Of course... they could alsways add more options!
I could imagine jeweller-crafted circlets/facemasks/crowns for your head slot. Thats one more.
I have always wanted an alternate weapon for restoration and destruction magic, only having staves is a bit restrictive... so I'd like to see "spell focus" type casting weapons, stuff like holy symbols, ornate spellbooks, gemmed skulls, welkyn stones, jeweled shaman rattles - all stuff right up a jewellers alley. Add another four things to do.
Bam, suddenly jewelry crafting is valid.
I'd love to see this happen...