Battlefield Friends is a fun and active guild that is recruiting all Veteran levels.
We are a PVP/PVE Guild that is based on the NA Server and the Alliance of the Aldmeri Dominion, We are currently recruiting to make a huge push onto the pvp scene and would love to just destroy everything... We have preferences and requirements for the guild and they are as follows
1. We prefer to have players who use a mic but we will make acceptions
2. We are trying to make a push to get a guild trader and will require a weekly donation of gold to the guild bank of atleast 1k gold (Not bad at all eh?)
3. We would like to have active players!! ACTIVITY KEEPS GUILDS ALIVE
Other then that we are friendly and just want you to have a good time in game and would love for you to have a dedicated guild to rely on to be there for you during pvp and pve
If you are interested in joining please message
PSN: Arachnephobia
PSN: Queenslander, Thank you.